Page 38 of Daddy's Laws

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“What’s wrong with my little girl?”

“Nothing’s wrong.”

Two crisp spanks, one for each cheek, reignited the fire from her earlier paddling and she yelped in surprise.

“I don’t buy that for a second, princess. Are you still upset about what Dean and I were talking about earlier? It’s understandable if you are.”

“Nothing is wrong, seriously. I’m just tired.”

Two more swats. Twisting her torso around, she glared up at him. “Would you stop that?”

“Not until you tell me what’s wrong. I can do this all night, Shannon.”

“Ugh. Why do you even care?”

Using his free hand, he gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing her to meet his determined gaze. “Because I am your Daddy and it’s my job to care. It’s my responsibility and one I take very seriously, to ensure you are safe, happy, and healthy. So, tell me what’s bothering my girl.”

“You still want me to be your girl? Even after I was bad?”

“You were not bad, baby. You were naughty and there’s a difference. And you were punished for that, already. Clean slate.”

He thought she meant swimming. Did he really not remember? “Not that. Later. When Dean came over.”

“What are you—oh.” Understanding dawned on his face. “When you opened the door after I told you not to?”

“Uh huh.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think it was fair to punish you when you were already so upset. I should have realized it might send the wrong message.”

“I thought you were tired of me,” she confessed quietly.

“Because of one little naughty moment? No, princess, I’m not tired of you. And I can’t see myself getting tired of you any time soon.”


“Yes. And to prove it to you, you’re getting ten spanks for opening the door after I said not to. After each one, you will count and say, ‘I will listen to Daddy’. Got it?”

Ten spanks? That was barely a warm-up. But it was better than nothing, so she nodded. “Got it.”

“Good girl.”

The first swat landed square in the middle of her bottom, and she sucked in air through her teeth. It hurt a lot more than she’d expected. “One, I will listen to Daddy.”

Eight more times he repeated her punishment, and she was shocked to feel tears running down her cheeks by the ninth swat.

“Almost done, baby. For this last one, I want you to say, ‘Daddy is not going anywhere.”

The final swat took her breath away and she had to take a few deep breaths before she could get out the words. “Daddy is not going anywhere,” she managed to whisper.

“Good girl.”


The next morning, she woke alone in her bed again, with the sunlight streaming in through the French doors. Bryant had sent her to bed after his movie pick, which had turned out to be a two hour long snorefest about superheroes. At least, she’d called it a snorefest when he’d asked what she’d thought, but she’d secretly loved it. She was looking forward to the spanking she’d get when he figured out her little fib.

With a grin on her face, she rolled out of bed and headed for the shower. She’d stripped off the onesie before bed, preferring as usual to sleep naked. Taking a little extra time, she exfoliated and shaved, just in case Bryant decided to take things to the next level today.

Once she’d dried off and dressed in a skimpy pair of denim cutoffs paired with a flowing, off the shoulder top, she made her way down the stairs. Like the first morning, Bryant was standing in front of the stove making breakfast.

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