Page 35 of Daddy's Laws

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“Come for me, Shannon.”

The growled command, combined with him sucking hard on her clit, was enough to send her over the edge. Nothing in her life had prepared her for the explosion of pleasure inside her. She was dimly aware that she might have screamed, and her hands ached from how tightly she gripped the covers. Bryant held onto her, continuing his leisurely enjoyment of her dripping pussy until every last shudder, moan, and whimper had been drawn from her.

The finger she’d been so opposed to slid from her, and she felt strangely bereft at its absence. He pressed a gentle kiss to her stomach before pushing off the bed. “Be right back, princess.”

Over the roaring in her ears, she heard the sound of running water. A few moments later, the bed beside her dipped and she was pulled into strong arms.

“How do you feel, baby girl?”

Amazing. Fantastic. Like she’d just been given everything she’d ever wanted in one bright, shining moment of glory. “Eh, all right, I guess.”

He rolled her and swatted her bottom, just hard enough to make her wonder if she was up for a second round. “Brat.”

“You like it.”


Thrilled to her core with his answer, she rolled so she was straddling him. There was something taboo about wearing her little girl onesie, unbuttoned so she was exposed to him, with her body still humming with pleasure.

His lips curved in a cat-who-ate-the-canary smile as he ran his hands up her thighs to her hips. “You really are the most stunning woman I’ve ever met.”

Pleasure of a different kind washed over her. “Even though I’m too skinny with no tits?”

“You’re perfect.”

Perfect.No man, and certainly no Dom had ever called her perfect. “Thank you.”

“What do you say we go downstairs and spend the rest of the afternoon on the couch watching movies and eating too much junk food?”

Although the idea appealed to both sides of her, Big and Little, she couldn’t deny the sting of disappointment. “I thought we were going to the Boardwalk.”

“We can do that tomorrow. I think we’ve both had enough excitement for today.”

“But I want to go out.” The words came out as a whine, but she couldn’t seem to help herself. Wasn’t sure if she really even wanted to stop her Little from coming out just then. “I didn’t come to the beach to lay on the couch.”

The lines of his mouth hardened, changing his satisfied smirk to something far more dangerous. “I said no, Shannon. You don’t have to like it, but if you keep arguing with me, your bottom is going to be a lot more sore than it already is.”

Pouting, she crossed her arms and glared down at him. “You’re mean.”

“I’m sure it feels that way. Now, do you want another spanking and an early bedtime tonight, or do you want to go downstairs and enjoy what’s left of our day?”

Part of her resented him not rising to take the bait and simply spanking her into submission. But she also had to admire the way he’d completely shut her down without so much as a single swat.

“I wanna watch movies,” she eventually conceded.

“There’s my good girl. Why don’t you go pick out something for us to watch and I’ll get the snacks together.”

“Okay!” Satisfied that she’d at least get to choose the first movie, she rolled off the bed and buttoned the front of her onesie back up before racing down the stairs.

She’d just settled on the couch with the remote in hand when the doorbell chimed. “I’ll get it!”

“Don’t you dare!”

Rolling her eyes, she jumped off the couch and headed for the front door. And came face to face with one of the most gorgeous men she’d ever seen. Tall, dark, and handsome, just like those cheesy old romance novels always described with a closely cropped beard and neatly trimmed, jet black hair swept back away from his face.

It was the eyes that did it, though. Nearly as black as his hair, they held a warmth and depth unlike anything she’d ever seen. It was as if he could take one look at you and know all your secrets, but he would hold them close for you and never tell a soul.

The man shifted the box he was holding to one hand and the smile he gave her matched his eyes perfectly. “Hello, little one. Is your Daddy here?”

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