Page 30 of Daddy's Laws

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Bryant set the onesie aside and used the towel to dry her chilled skin. None of the anger she sensed in him translated to his touch. His hands were as gentle as ever as he scrubbed the soft fabric over every inch of her.

When she was dry, he picked up the onesie again and held it out for her to step into. Humiliated beyond words, she followed his silent edict, allowing him to dress her in the ridiculously childish garment.

Why the hell had she even brought it with her? She’d bought it on a drunken whim a couple of months ago, and she’d had every intention of sending it back. But she never had, and she still wasn’t sure what had possessed her to pack it for a weekend at the beach by herself.

Once she was dressed, she stood in front of him, feeling more Little than she could ever remember feeling in her life. None of the daddies she’d played with before had brought her to this state so quickly, even the ones who’d forced her into diapers and insisted she drink from a sippy cup during a scene.

No, with one simple decision, Bryant had stripped her down to her most vulnerable state, and she was helpless against it. She tried to fight her way back to being Big, but she was in too deep.

Something had changed in Bryant, too. The anger was still there, simmering beneath the surface, but it no longer burned in his eyes. There, she saw a tenderness she’d never seen in him before, not even when he was teasing and playing with Liv.

With a heavy sigh, he placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her toward the wall. Her lower lip moved into a pout when she spotted the empty corner.

“You are going to stand here, with your bare bottom on display, and think about why you’re about to get that bottom blistered good and proper.”

He’d moved her into the corner, and she lifted her head, silently pleading with him to reconsider. But he only shook his head and moved to unbutton the flap on the back of the onesie.

Groaning, she faced the wall and wished for it to open up and swallow her whole. Anything to escape being forced to stand here like a naughty little girl with her bottom poking out of the childish pajamas while he prepared to punish her.

The wait was agony. She could hear him moving around behind her, but whenever she tried to turn her head to sneak a peek at what he was up to, he ‘encouraged’ her to look back at the corner with a sharp spank to her naked ass.

She’d earned six such swats by the time he called for her. Suddenly, the corner didn’t seem like such a bad place to be. She moved closer to the junction between the walls, desperately trying to wedge herself into the small space.

“Shannon. If I have to come get you, I’ll be adding a dozen with my belt to your punishment.”

She might not know how bad this particular spanking was going to be, but she was absolutely certain she didn’t want him to add to it. Slowly she turned, shuffling across the tile to where he was seated on the bed. Beside him on top of the comforter was the bath brush, just as he’d promised.

A whimper escaped before she could silence it, but he didn’t chastise her for it. He simply pointed to the spot on the floor in front of him and she reluctantly moved to stand between his spread thighs.

“How are you feeling?”

The question caught her so off guard she answered without thinking about it. “Tired,” she replied quietly, her voice taking on a soft, sweet tone she barely recognized.

“I’m sure. You’ve had a big day. After your spanking, you can have a nap.”

If there’d been even a microcosm of doubt in her mind that he was a daddy, it disappeared in that moment. She wanted nothing more than to crawl onto his lap and ask for a story to help her fall asleep.

But she knew it wouldn’t be allowed, and she wasn’t sure she could humiliate herself enough to try, so she stayed where she was, studying the ground between them.

“Why are you getting a spanking, little girl?”

A single tear slipped down her cheek, splashing on the tile in front of her feet. “Because I was naughty.”

“How were you naughty?”

“I went in the water without you.”

“And don’t we have a rule about going in the water alone?”

She wanted her anger. Her sneering indifference. Anything to shield her against the shame and embarrassment that flooded her at his words. “Yes, sir.”

“And we have that rule to help keep us safe, don’t we?”


“And you almost got hurt because you broke that rule, didn’t you?”

Never in her life had she wished so fervently that someone would just shut up and spank her already. “Yes, sir.”

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