Page 24 of Daddy's Laws

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“Isn’t this what you wanted,sir? Your cock in my mouth?”

It had been, dammit. But more than that, he wanted her submission. Craved that moment when she would finally yield to him. While letting her blow him on the side of the road might scratch a surface itch, it would just leave him wanting what she was so deliberately keeping from him.

“Take off your shirt.”

“What? Why?”

“Because I said so. Shirt. Off.”

She could say no. If she did, he’d respect it the same way he would a safe word.

But she didn’t. When he released his hold on her hair, she sat up and reached for the hem of her shirt. Eyes locked on his, she slowly pulled it up over her head, revealing the skimpy, lime green bikini top underneath.


Grabbing hold of her hair once more, he guided her back toward him, pulling her head nearly over the edge of the car door. They were taking a risk, doing this on the side of a busy highway with the top down, but at that moment he didn’t care. All he could see was her.

When she was positioned where he wanted her, he grabbed a hold of his cock and pumped. He was so fucking primed from just her very presence, not to mention that tease of a blow job, it only took a few jerks of his hand to have his balls tightening.

“What are you—Bryant!” She tried to jerk away when his cum splattered across her chest, but he held her in place.

When he was finally spent, he released her. She scrambled back into her seat, glaring at him. Tucking his cock back into his shorts, he sent her the same easy, smug smile she’d taunted him with at the golf course.

“Still think you’re in charge, princess?”

Instead of answering him, she reached for her shirt, but he wrapped a hand around her wrist and waited for her to look up at him again.

“You can get cleaned up at home. I want you to think about why you’re wearing my cum on your beautiful tits, so maybe next time you’ll think twice about trying to manipulate me.”

“I wasn’t—”

“Really?” He cocked an eyebrow at her. “You’ve been trying to control this arrangement since I spanked your ass that first night. Tell me I’m wrong.”

“You’re not my Daddy.”

The note of longing in her voice very nearly broke him, but he hardened his heart against it. “No, I’m not. As much as it’s killing me, I’m not. But you still agreed to my rules, so whether you like it or not, I’m in charge as long as you’re staying with me.”

“I agreed to certain rules. I didn’t agree to letting you boss me around all the time.” Fire flashed in her eyes, but right on its heels was a pain he instinctively wanted to kiss and soothe away.

“You’re right. But if you hadn’t wanted to submit, you wouldn’t have. You could have said no, or told me to fuck off, and I would have stopped.”

That adorable pout returned, but this time he resisted the urge to bite it. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

“Of course, I am,” he returned with a smile, earning himself an eye roll. “I may be bossy, but I’m not a complete asshole. I’m actually quite reasonable.”

Her derisive snort made him laugh. “Well, I usually am. You just have a knack for pushing my buttons, princess.”

“I’m good at it.” The pout disappeared, leaving behind a sad smile. “I find someone’s buttons and I push them until they get sick of me.”

With a gentle tug, he pulled her closer, brushing his lips across hers before he spoke. “Do you know what I’ll do if you keep pushing my buttons?”

“Come on my tits again?”

“Damn straight, princess. I can be very creative when I want to. And there’s nothing I enjoy more than putting a naughty little girl in her place.”

“You’ll get tired of it, eventually. They all do.”

He couldn’t imagine ever tiring of her. Of spanking her, fucking her, spoiling her, loving her. What kind of men had she been with who hadn’t seen what a treasure she was?

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