Page 22 of Daddy's Laws

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But maybe if she gave in, just a little, she could scratch the surface enough to give herself a modicum of relief. It would be like riding the Slingshot—all the adrenaline rush of free-falling with only a fraction of the danger. All she had to do was keep things purely physical, and they could both have their fun.

The idea had some merit, but it also had its pitfalls. Setting it aside to chew on later, she finished her routine and rolled up her mat. After changing into her jeans and a new top, she headed back down the stairs, pausing for a moment when she found him sitting on the couch, scrolling through TV channels.

“Oh, hey. You’re back.” There. That didn’t sound like she’d been put out by his absence. Which she hadn’t been, she reminded herself, she’d just been… surprised.

His grin flashed as she settled on the couch beside him. “Well, hey yourself, princess. I just walked in the door about five minutes ago. I thought maybe you were napping or something.”

“Yoga,” she offered, ignoring the fantasy her mind instantly conjured of him tucking her into bed with strict orders to rest. “Did you have fun doing… whatever you were doing?”

“I had a nice ride.” Resting his arm on the back of the couch, he twirled a lock of her hair around his fingers. “Would have been more fun with you.”

“Everything is more fun with me, Bryant.” Oh, good lord. Was it just her, or had she unintentionally given that a much dirtier spin than she’d intended?

Not just her, judging by the flash of hunger she caught in his gaze before he smirked. “I’m sure. I have no doubt we could have all manner offuntogether.”

“Like what?” She couldn’t seem to keep herself from asking the question, despite her self-preservation screaming at her to stop encouraging him.

“Like mini-golf.”

His answer surprised a laugh out of her. “Mini-golf?”

“Yeah. What do you say we go get some dinner and play a couple rounds?”

It sounded like a date, but going out alone hadn’t been as much fun as she’d hoped, so she shrugged. “Sure. Let’s go.”

* * *

Halfway through theirfirst round of mini-golf, Bryant discovered something about Shannon: she was possibly the most competitive person he’d ever met.

The second thing he discovered was that she wasdefinitelythe worst mini-golf player he’d ever met.

And the combination of the two made for the most entertaining evening he’d had in a long time. Standing off to the side, he watched as she lined up her shot, her forehead scrunched up in concentration like she was trying to make the winning shot at the Masters. As soon as she swung, he knew she wasn’t going to make it.

Sure enough, the ball bounced off the wall of the lane, ricocheted off another wall, and eventually rolled to a stop several feet away from the hole she’d been aiming for.

“It’s rigged,” she declared with a pout so adorable it took every ounce of willpower he had not to lean over and nip at her bottom lip.

“I don’t think it’s rigged, princess.” Stepping up to his own ball, he lined up the shot and knocked it neatly into the hole.

Her scowl deepened when he plucked his ball from the hole and held it up with a grin. “See? Not rigged.”

“Whatever.” Nose in the air, she positioned herself by the ball, took aim, and missed wildly once again.

This time when she pouted, he gave in to his impulse. Sliding an arm around her waist, he yanked her close. He took a moment to appreciate the surprise in her eyes before leaning down and sinking his teeth into her lower lip.

He’d meant to keep it light. Playful. But the second he tasted her, the ever-present hunger for her took over. Shifting slightly, he kissed her, running his tongue over her bottom lip, soothing the spot he’d bitten.

As usual, she challenged him, and though he wanted nothing more than to meet her challenge and earn her surrender, the sound of someone clearing their throat brought them back to reality.

“Sorry, ma’am.” He gave the scowling mother behind them a sheepish smile. “We’ll get out of your way.”

“This is a family establishment. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

Shame was the last thing he felt, but he inclined his head in agreement and reached down to snag Shannon’s ball. “Come on, princess. I’ll let you have this one.”

“But I didn’t get to finish.” Her pout was back in full force, but he managed to keep himself in check.

Nudging her toward the next hole, he leaned down to speak quietly in her ear. “You keep pouting like that, and I’ll make sure to find a much more pleasant use for those pretty lips of yours, princess.”

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