Page 14 of Daddy's Laws

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After wiping down the counters for the third time, Bryant draped the towel over the faucet and stared at the empty stairs. Guilt and shame were burning a hole in his gut.

He should have held her, should have insisted on comforting her before she disappeared. Never once during his time as a Dom had he ever neglected aftercare, and he could kick himself for starting now, with her of all people.

At the very least, he needed to see that she was okay. He took the stairs two at a time, turning at the top of the stairs toward the master suite. But when he reached the halfway open door of the bedroom, he heard the shower running. Shit. Their talk would have to wait.

He’d just started to turn away when a low, needy moan met his ears.Walk away. You have no right to listen. Don’t be a creeper.

The low moan cut off abruptly and he imagined her biting her lip, not wanting to be overheard. God, what he wouldn’t give to hear her cries of pleasure or pain, unhindered by any sense of embarrassment or propriety. Preferably both as he turned her ass a deep, dark pink before he fucked her senseless and claimed her for his own.


Her sharp cry snapped him out of his perverted daydreams. He knew he should be ashamed, but shame was the furthest thing from his mind as he closed the door to her room and headed down the hall to the guest suite.

Enclosed in his own space, he pulled his phone from the pocket of his pants and dialed a familiar number.

“Dean,” a distracted voice answered.

“Hey, it’s Bryant.”

“Bryant! It’s good to hear your voice. How are you? How’re James and his little one?”

Thinking about the scene he’d been privy to earlier, Bryant grinned. “Good. Great, actually. Listen man, I’m in OC and I need a favor.”

A knowing chuckle sounded from the other end of the line. “Whatcha need?”

“I have an… unexpected house guest, and I didn’t bring any supplies with me. Any way you could bring some by tomorrow?”

“You want me to drive five hours round trip so you can get freaky with an ‘unexpected house guest’?”


“This sounds like a hell of a story. But I can’t make it tomorrow. Sunday good?”

“Sure. The earlier the better. I’ll pay extra for the hassle.”

“Oh, you definitely will. And you’re going to buy me a drink some time and tell me all about it.”

“It’s a date.”

After he ended the call, he texted Dean the list and his temporary address. He took a few extra minutes to place an order for groceries to be delivered in the morning, then rolled over to plug his phone in for the night. Lying in bed, staring up at the ceiling, his thoughts drifted to the stunning blonde down the hall. She was the living embodiment of every fantasy he’d ever had. A tall, leggy blonde with an attitude the size of Texas, and a Little side she was fighting like hell.

Just a few months ago, he’d nearly lost her to some maniac with an axe to grind, and he’d be goddamned if he was letting her get away this time.

Her shout of “Daddy!” as she’d pleasured herself had sealed the deal as far as he was concerned. Imagining all the delicious ways he could make her his, he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.

* * *

He wokebefore her and after a quick shower of his own—without the extra fun Shannon had engaged in the night before—he slipped downstairs to start breakfast. Halfway through frying the bacon, he heard her stumbling down the stairs.

“Coffee,” she grunted, making a beeline for the complicated machine Olivia had insisted they needed. Shannon stopped in front of it, squinting at the array of buttons and dials. “What the fuck is this?”

There was nothing about swearing in the short list of rules he’d laid out for her, but he couldn’t resist poking her just a little. “You know, if you were my little girl, that outburst would have earned you several minutes in the corner with a soapy mouth.”

Her exaggerated eye roll made his palm positively itch to connect with her backside, which was currently encased in a tiny pair of sleep shorts that left the bottom curve of her ass bare to his gaze.

“Whatever,” she mumbled, grabbing a mug from the cabinet.

With the coffee cup positioned in the machine, she began pushing buttons. Liv had promised the machine was simple and user-friendly, but Bryant was beginning to have his doubts. As was Shannon, judging by the scowl on her face.

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