Page 11 of Daddy's Laws

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“No.” And she wasnotexcited and gooey that he was going to be her first. Absolutely not.

“I can’t say I’m sorry to be your first,” he said, echoing her thoughts, only his included a hint of possessiveness her inner voice hadn’t held. “I wouldn’t mind being your first for a lot of things, princess.”

Even if she’d wanted to respond, the cool tip of the ginger root pressing against her bottom hole distracted her from whatever snarky response she might have given. It had been years since anyone had touched her there, and she was horrified to realize she was tight as a virgin. The slender tip forced her open and a low whine escaped her lips before she could stop it.

“Relax, baby. It hurts less if you don’t fight it. You know how to bear down?”

A nod was all she could manage. Words escaped her under the onslaught of sensation. The cool, wet object prodding at her entrance, her own arousal dripping down her thighs, and her needy pussy throbbing and pulsing with every erratic beat of her heart.

“Don’t fight it, baby. There we go. Such a good little princess.”

Whining at the intrusion, she did as instructed, only because she knew it would be easier on her that way. The ginger pushed past her tight outer ring of muscle, slowly moving deeper inside her. Bryant pulled it out just a bit before pushing it back in further. Out then in, working it into her bottom little by little until the makeshift plug was fully seated inside of her.

“You’re really fucking beautiful, you know that?”

Vanity may have been one of the seven deadly sins, but damn if his words didn’t fill her with warm, fluttery feelings.

It took a few moments for her body to fully relax and adjust to the feeling of having something lodged in her bottom again. But when it did, she realized it really wasn’t all that bad. The ginger still felt cool inside her bottom, and she was just about to tease him for getting it wrong when something changed.

“Oh!” she gasped out, her bottom instinctively clenching around the painful intruder. Which, of course, just made it hurt even more.

“Oh?” Amusement colored his tone as he parroted her outburst back at her.

“It burns! Please, take it out!”

“Hey, Siri, set a timer for ten minutes.”

“You sonofabitch!”

A dozen stinging swats from the evil spoon had her squealing out an apology almost immediately. Especially since her muscles automatically squeezed together in response, making the fire inside her bottom hole burn even hotter. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“The next time you swear at me, you’ll be holding a bar of soap between your teeth while I wear your ass out with my belt. Understood?”

“Yes, sir! I’m sorry, just please take the ginger out!”

“Ten minutes, princess.”

“That’s forever!”

Oh, no. No, no,no.She couldn’t slip into her Little space. Not now, not with Bryant Monroe, of all the fucking people in the world.

But every second she lay there with her bottom burning inside and out seemed to push her closer and closer to that space. At this rate, she’d be calling him Daddy and asking for a sippy cup before they finished dinner.

“Bryant, please.” She was past caring about her pride. This was about survival. “Please, take it out. I’m sorry and I swear I’ll be good for the rest of my life.”

“Ten minutes,” he repeated, but his voice had softened to a gentle, soothing tone. “You can do it, princess. Why don’t you get up so we can eat some pizza?”

If she hadn’t been holding on to her control with such a tight fist, she would have slipped right into her Little space then and there. As it was, she was trembling from the effort of keeping herself ‘Big’ by the time she stood and faced him.

That grip on her self-control slipped a little bit more when he cupped her face with his hands, his pale blue eyes shockingly kind and caring in his far-too-handsome face. “I wish you’d trust me, Shannon.”

He made it sound so simple, so easy. But it wasn’t, not for her.

Forcing a smile, she hoped her out of control emotions weren’t plastered all over her face. “Can we eat? I’m starving.”

Disappointment flickered in his eyes, but he released her. “Have a seat. I’ll make you a plate.”

“I’ll stand, if it’s all the same to you.”

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