Page 8 of Fake Assistant

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As she dresses, I can’t take my eyes off her. I realize with a jolt that I’m not just sorry I won’t be able to sink myself deep inside her anymore tonight, but that I don’t want to deny her anything. I almost offer her an invitation to my place anyway but keep my mouth firmly shut. What’s going on with me?

“Were you and your sister planning to continue your charade tomorrow?” I ask with a completely fake harsh voice. I reach out and stroke the back of her neck, pulling her close for a kiss. When her tongue touches mine, I almost give up all my good intentions for the night. “I hope so,” I say, sliding my hands down to cup her perfect ass.

“If you don’t mind, I can be your assistant again tomorrow,” she says, pressing against me to the point I might pop.

I’ve come inside her tight body at least four times already, I should be empty. But it seems I have an unlimited supply for Dani. I ease my hands away from her, trying to regain my usual self-control. Nope, can’t do it. I grab her close for one more kiss.

“I don’t mind at all,” I say, turning businesslike at the prospect of getting her back in the recording booth. If I can keep my hands off her long enough, I really think I can get some good demos out of her. “Rest up your voice so we can record some more tomorrow.”

Her beaming smile lights up the dim hallway as we make our way toward the elevators.

“Definitely,” she says, gazing up at me adoringly.

It doesn’t suck having her smiles aimed at me, and as soon as we’re in the elevator, I press her against the wall, claiming her mouth with a kiss. I’m already hard, but her gasp when our bodies collide makes me throb. She presses her hand to my cock and giggles when she feels it pulse against my pants.

“You’re getting pretty confident,” I say, looking down at her delicate hand on my big bulge. “Do virgins usually go around grabbing men’s cocks in elevators?”

She grins and drops her hand, rubbing her body against me instead. I groan out loud at the exquisite feel of her.

“Did you forget how many times you fucked me today?” she asks, standing on her toes to nip at my lower lip. “I’m not a virgin anymore.”

I push her harder against the wall, ready to drag her skirt up her hips. I remember the security cameras, knowing they’ve already seen quite enough of our antics.

She gives me directions to her sister’s apartment, telling me she lives in Brooklyn and normally works at a boxing club of some sort over there. She doesn’t seem too happy talking about her real job, but if everything goes the way I want it to, she won’t have to worry about that much longer. I finally let her go outside her sister’s building after a last, lingering kiss, promising that tomorrow we’ll get back to where we left off.

Back at my own apartment, I’m miserable and missing her already. It’s only been an hour, but there’s an ache in my chest that won’t go away. I need to focus, I have too much to do to let these feelings distract me right now.

“Get it together,” I growl at myself, forcing my thoughts to the screen in front of me.

I manage to get everything done, but barely, and the entire time, I was plagued with constant, distracting memories of Dani’s lips wrapped around my cock, or the way her back arched as I rammed inside her. Her angelic voice.

It’s a long, lonely night, and I finally fall into bed, sadly without Dani, only to dream about her when I eventually fall asleep.

Chapter 9


I feel giddy as I walk into Bronson Records the next morning. Last night was torture being away from Tate, and I’m anxious to see him again. I’m even early, which Ella would probably claim is a first for me. This morning, I chose a flattering, light pink blouse and a flowy, floral skirt from Ella’s closet. My cheeks blush as I remember the reason for my clothing choices. Another pencil skirt would be far too restricting for everything I was hoping Tate would do to me today.

When I arrive at Ella’s desk, I frown at seeing Tate’s door closed. I’d hoped he’d leave it open, but I suppose that was silly. It had been closed when I’d arrived yesterday, as Ella had told me it would be. She’d also said to just walk in without knocking, and Tate hadn’t seemed to mind when I’d done so the day before. But when I reach his door, it’s locked. Is he not in yet? Ella said he was always the first to arrive. I can’t tell if there’s a light on in his office or not, so I have no idea if he’s in there.

I decide to return to Ella’s desk and check his calendar. His entire morning is blocked off for meetings, but there is no note about who the meeting is with or what it’s for. I could swear that these meetings weren’t on his calendar yesterday. Besides, it’s my job—or Ella’s anyway—to set up for his meetings. A ripple of unease swirls through my stomach. I pull out Ella’s phone, since she still has mine, and decide to text him. But before I’ve even pulled up the message app, his office door opens, and he exits, followed by his business partner, Ava, and two men I don’t know.

Ava smiles at me as she walks past but doesn’t say anything. The two men don’t acknowledge me at all. But what hurts the most, is that Tate doesn’t so much as look at me as he walks past the desk. They seem to be in a hurry as they move down the hall. I stand up to see where they’re going and watch them turn into a conference room. A few minutes later, a woman with long brown hair and big blue eyes exits the elevator. I recognize her as one of the artists Tate works with. It’s been a while since she’s done anything new, and I think I heard she’s about to go on tour. She walks into the conference room as well, and the door shuts behind her.

The sick feeling in my stomach grows worse as I wonder what could be going on. What is this meeting about, and why wouldn’t Tate even look at me? I return to Ella’s desk and bury my head in my hands. I wallow for a few minutes when a new thought occurs to me, and I jump to my feet and make a dash for the recording studio I used the day before. When I get there, I go straight for the recording equipment. My breath catches when I see the disc that I’d used to record my songs, which I’d forgotten to take with me, is missing. Looking around, I realize the sheet music is gone as well.

Tears build in my eyes as my uncertainty turns to red-hot anger. I know without a doubt what happened to my music. Tate took my songs, the ones I’d poured my heart and soul into, and he’s giving them to someone else. Ella had warned me that he was an emotionless asshole, but I hadn’t listened, and now I’d lost the only thing that ever mattered. Without the sheet music bearing my name, I have no way to prove those songs are mine.

Chapter 10


Well, my hopes of having a clearer head after a good night’s sleep are dashed when I wake up still consumed with thoughts of my sweet little former virgin with the voice of an angel. I roll out of bed with a raging hard on that an ice-cold shower barely gets under control. How am I going to get through the day without touching her?

The one thing I see more clearly as I head to work, is that I should probably cool it with the sex in my office, especially with someone who everyone else thinks is my assistant. I decide to keep things professional until after work hours, then show her a night on the town she’ll never forget. But first, I have an important project to see to, probably the most important of my career…and my life.

My business partner, Ava, hurries to catch up to me as I walk into the building, and we ride the elevator up together.

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