Page 13 of Fake Assistant

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“Are you kidding? It’s like you somehow knew the ring of my dreams.”

I’m relieved and gratified. “It’s because I know you, Dani. Will you marry me?”

She bursts out laughing and then swats the desk with her palm. “I thought you were breaking up with me for a second.”

“Never,” I say. She still hasn’t answered, and my stomach dips. “Well?”

“Of course, yes,” she says. “Although, I should have made you suffer a little first.” With a mischievous smile, she takes the ring box out of my hand and plops it down onto the desk, then starts to crawl across the surface to me. Her eyes are intense, and I can’t tear my gaze from hers. And I don’t want to. She reaches for me, and I draw her onto my lap, ready for another celebration. Our engagement, her hit song, our future together.

“I love you,” I say. “So, very much.”

She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me deeply. “I love you, too, Tate. You didn’t just make my dream come true; youaremy dream come true.”

I’m so overcome with emotion, that I can’t find the words to tell her I feel the exact same way. But I plan on spending the rest of my life showing her.



Four years later

I hold up the hem of my long, golden gown while Tate helps me into the limo. He looks dashing and devastatingly handsome in a tuxedo, almost as enticing as he did at our wedding three years ago. I think our outfits are a little bit of overkill for Ella’s new restaurant opening, but when we pull past the place and see all the people lined up along the sidewalk, I see it’s going to be a pretty big deal.

“They’re all here for you,” Tate says, looking past me out the darkened limo windows.

“I’m sure they’re here for Ella’s famous cuisine,” I say. “Don’t make me nervous.”

We pull up in the alley behind the restaurant, not wanting to battle the crowd out front. We’re early, so I lean my head back against the seat and shut my eyes. I feel Tate’s hands go around my waist and smile.

“You don’t get nervous,” he says. “This is hardly the crowd you’re used to.”

The pride in his voice at my accomplishments makes my smile grow, but it also increases my trepidation at what I’ve been wanting to tell him all day. It’s been a wild ride, touring and releasing records almost nonstop since my first hit single four years ago, and I’ve loved almost every minute of it. None of it would have been possible without Tate, tirelessly working beside me, always urging me to do better and strive for more.

But as much as I’ve loved it, I’m ready for a change.

I open my eyes and lean my head on his chest, his arm wrapping around me to hold me close. “What would you say if I said I want to stop touring?” I ask.

The hand that’s stroking along my shoulder stills. “Is that what you want?” He turns to look down at me. “I thought you loved performing.”

I let my hand run down his chest. “It’s my second favorite thing to do,” I assure him. “But I want to settle down. Maybe start a family?” Here’s where I really hold my breath, waiting for his response.

“As long as you’re happy, I’m happy, Dani,” he says. “I wouldn’t mind spending more time with you at home, anyway.” He drops a kiss on the top of my head. “It’s been fun following you around the world, now I think it’ll be fun to play house.”

“Okay, good,” I say, relieved he seems fine with giving up our hectic travel schedule. “I want to keep writing and making music, but I don’t want to be on the road all the time.”

We snuggle quietly for a moment, then he puts his finger under my chin, tipping it up to look at him. He’s staring down at me inquisitively. “What made you decide this all of a sudden? Just last week we were talking about adding dates in Italy to the next tour.”

I can’t hide the smile that curls my lips, and he sees it right away. His eyes get wide and I know his mind is spinning.

“What would you say is missing from our perfect life?” I ask, hoping he gets the answer right.

His brows draw together, confused. “Nothi—” He cuts himself off, understanding dawning in his eyes. “Oh, Dani, don’t tease me,” he pleads.

I shake my head. “I’m not teasing. We’re having a baby. I took the test this morning.”

He whoops with happiness and gives me a kiss, then pounds on the divider, nearly scaring the driver half to death.

“Get the hell out,” he says. “Take a walk and don’t come back until I call you.” The driver nods and flees the car, and Tate reaches for me. “Things are about to get loud in here,” he says.

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