Page 115 of Alien Storm

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“No,” he croaked. “Not just Gahn.YourGahn.”


“Do you like that?” I whispered, finally sliding my undies all the way down.

I bent, taking off my boots and socks until I was finally standing naked before him.

I gasped, seeing he’d also been busily undressing while I’d been bent down. His loincloth lay on the grass, his cock hard in his fist.

“I love being yours,” he replied, voice strained. “I love it even more when you actually admit it.”

I smirked.

“Still my arrogant Errok, I see.”

He groaned again, and I realized it was because I’d once again called him mine.My Errok. It felt... Good. Natural.

It made me happy.

I walked towards him, then kneeled between his splayed thighs. He reached for me, but I jerked back.

“Nope. No touching,” I said firmly.

Errok’s gaze grew suspicious.

“What foul game is this?” he muttered.

“Not a game. Repayment. Like I said before,” I explained. As I spoke, I bent lower and lower, until I was breathing my words directly onto the smooth head of his cock.

“It’s impossible not to touch you,” he complained. “You’d have to bind me.”

My core squeezed at that image.

“That could be arranged,” I said slowly before drawing a languorous swipe of my tongue over his head.

“Piercing peaks of the Deep Sky,” he swore, his cock jerking eagerly up towards my mouth. He stared down at me over his heaving chest and clenching abdomen as I prodded his dark slit with the wet tip of my tongue. “You are the only creature brave enough to even think of binding a Gahn.”

“But you’re not justaGahn. You’remyGahn,” I reminded him before giving him another long, luscious stroke of my tongue. I paused, pulling back a little. “Of course, we don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Although, now that the idea was in my head, I really, really wanted to. Hot, raging, arrogant Errok, tied and hard and begging and –

“Do it.”

My mouth opened in shock at his vehement reply. He took advantage of my surprise, rocking his hips up so that his tip nudged between my parted lips. I gave a gentle suck, then let go.

“Are you sure?” I breathed.

He looked down at me imperiously.

“I am always sure.”

I smirked. My mate could never resist a challenge or a chance to prove himself, that was for sure. Whether it was a deadly taklok or proving to his human mate that he could handle whatever she threw at him.

I hurried over to Togo, unstrapping my pack from his side. I didn’t need the pack, so I set it down. But the long hide straps Errok had used to lash my pack to Togo would be perfect.

After I had the straps, Togo trotted away, tactfully finding some little mountain animal to chase and leaving us alone.

I walked back to Errok, my pussy throbbing at the way he stared. Like a very thin thread of restraint was about to snap inside him.

I came to a stop before him, holding the durable, leathery straps. I thought about tying his wrists together behind his back, but that likely wouldn’t be very comfortable. The straps were long, so I ended up looping the lengths of hide around each of his wrists separately, then connected the straps together behind the boulder he leaned back against. The result was that each of his hands was held down on the grass, out at his sides, beside his hips.

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