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“Laith?” Vena lifted her head. Her long, golden hair slid over my chest, and my stomach clenched.


I was too fucking weak, now.

Though I considered telling my female what I’d discovered about my lacking magic, the thought of admitting to that weakness made me ill.

“We’ll eat here,” I said gruffly. “So you can see your sisters.”

Her eyes narrowed, but she didn’t call me on the lie.

She rolled off of me, and I eased myself up to a seated position. It took far more effort than I expected, and frustration had me clenching my fists.

Vena didn’t say anything about that either—she simply stared at me, eyes still narrowed and waiting for me to share my situation with her. Though we could speak mentally, neither of us dared to do so.

“You know you can tell me anything,” she said, staring daggers at me as I slowly made my way to the bathroom.

I shut the door between us, then walked to the sink and leaned over it. My palms pressed to the cool stone, my forehead to the mirror.

How was I supposed to protect my mate now? The magic in my veins flowed so damned weakly. My fucking body ached.

I hadn’t anticipated this… powerlessness.

If my brothers were looking for a moment to kill me, they wouldn’t need to look far.

“You know I can feel how shitty your emotions are right now,” Vena said, through the door. “Our bond hasn’t gone anywhere.”

My jaw clenched.

She wished it had, didn’t she?

Her stomach rumbled again, and guilt flooded me.

My Lemay was hungry. Even if she wished to be free from our connection, it was a permanent thing. No one could take it from us, including my brothers.

Which meant I needed to feed her.

My female was still dying, and that needed to be the priority. After she was healthy, I could worry about my newfound weakness.



Laith was far tooquiet as we headed down the stairs. I didn’t blame him for being moody given the change he’d just gone through, but held onto his arm just a little tighter than usual as we walked. His hands were tucked in his pockets, and he didn’t try to drag me any closer than I already was.

I moved closer anyway.

He led me to the far side of a restaurant that seemed to have opened up recently in the castle, probably the one we had heard some noise from when we first arrived.

The seat we slipped into had tall walls and an opening that was small enough to keep us hidden from the rest of the room, which I liked tremendously. Some fae brought us food a few minutes later, and I thanked them even though they were ducking their heads and acting like they were terrified of us.

We were halfway through our food when the noise in the restaurant grew louder, and then four more bodies were in the large booth we claimed.

A thick, strong illusion draped over us both as Diora, Namir, and a couple I sort of recognized from the night before stepped in. I saw myself and Laith looking like the picture of health, snuggled up and feeding each other food while we grinned and teased each other.

“Mind if we join?” Diora asked, flashing me a grin.

My heart nearly stopped at the pure happiness in her voice. She and her king both looked pretty damn exhausted, but they didn’t seem to be upset about it.
