Page 33 of Monster's Pet

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The aggressor doesn’t want to fight anymore, funnily enough. Instead he seeks the safety of his bike. All of the gang are gunning their engines, but they don’t want to go forward toward us. To go backward they have to sort of awkwardly waddle their bikes back one step at a time like overgrown bearded toddlers on plastic toys. I wish I was in my human form so I could laugh at them. Instead I am left howling as they duck waddle away before speeding off in a quick and frightened retreat. In seconds, all that is left in their wake is dust and the lingering scent of cowardice.

“Well,” Order says as he gets back into the car. “That’s a sighting nobody will ever believe.”

He’s grinning as he says it. I think he enjoyed himself just a little bit there.

“Thank you for having my back,” he says, looking over his shoulder at me.

I wish I could say you’re welcome, but I have to content myself with licking the back of his neck instead.


Idon’t know when I fell asleep in the car, but when I wake up I am naked. Naked. That’s a concept wolves don’t have. I know before I open my eyes that I am back in human form.

“No!” I am not pleased to discover I have lost my lupine powers.

“Good morning,” Order says. “It’s nice to see you again.”

We’re driving along a country road somewhere, going god knows where. Sunlight is streaming into the car. I’ve never felt particularly good or bad about sunny days, but right now I am nearly violently offended by the sunshine. I crave the cloak of night and the form it comes with, the power and the freedom and the simplicity. My mind is immediately assailed with all manner of thoughts and concerns that didn’t begin to enter it when I was a wolf.

“Where are we going? What are we doing? Where’re my clothes? Dude. Where’s my scar?”

I am looking down at myself because of the nudity, and suddenly realizing that the surgical and bullet scars are both gone from my body completely.

“The fuck!?”

I search myself, as if they might have gotten up and moved, which doesn’t seem likely, but it is probably just as likely as turning into a wolf.

“Your scars are gone,” Order says. “Your wounds will have healed. It is impossible to undergo the transformation and not have your body return things to their rightful places and conditions. Your boss gave you quite a gift, as well as a terrible burden.”

“Can you pull over, man? This isn’t… I’m not equipped to deal with this much change in this short a period of time, and I really need something to wear.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll be pulling over soon,” he says. “I’ve got somewhere we should be safe.”

“I’m not going into another fucking vault.”

“You’ll go where you are told to go,” he says firmly.

“Can I at least get a sweater?”

“No,” he says. “Wait.”

I feel much less obedient as a human than as a wolf, so I do what any naked girl would do. I steal his jacket from the seat beside him, he apparently didn’t put it on after scaring the shit out of that gang. I drape it over myself as I clamber into the front seat. I also lean over and take his glasses off the top of his head and put them over my own eyes.

“I’m Order,” I say in a mock-gruff voice. “I make my girlfriend ride naked in the back seat.”

“Sounds like a good idea to me,” he smirks.

“I’m trying to mock you, not seduce you.” I push the glasses up into my hair and look over at him with a grin. I’m so fucking happy, like the endorphins of my wolf self are carrying over in the best hangover ever.

“One will get you spanked, the other will get you fucked. I know you’ll enjoy both equally.”

“You do?”

“You think I don’t notice how hard you come when I punish you, pet?” He drawls the question intimately, and I feel myself blush forcefully. I guess I didn’t think he did notice. I thought it was my dirty little secret. But there are no secrets from a master with eight eyes.

Suddenly, I kind of can’t wait to get wherever it is we are going. Fortunately for me, we are entering civilization again, a nice neighborhood where everybody is probably mostly human. I remember when I used to take that assumption for granted.

We pull up outside a house. Just a house on a street in a town in a countryside. There must be hundreds of thousands of towns like these in the United States, each unique, and yet each the same. It’s not a large house. It’s not a small house. It’s a ranch style bungalow.
