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Merle, Juneau said into Hazel’s mind, the Shadows projecting her voice mentally.

“Hello, Juneau,” Merle replied through gritted teeth.

Have you come to your senses? the old hag continued. Did you call me here to apologize for your foolishness and beg my forgiveness?

Hazel pinched the bridge of her nose. Sophie looked decidedly uncomfortable.

Merle, on the other hand, laughed. “And here I thought a few months in the Shadows would have taught you better manners. But, alas, I stand corrected. You’re still as insufferable as before. Tell me, how’s that starvation going for you? Would you like a cheeseburger? Or maybe a nice, juicy steak? How about a smoothie so fresh it’ll make your tongue tingle with all the flavors of berries and pineapple?”

Juneau hissed like a wildcat, then she fell quiet and added with glee in her voice, How’s that demon of yours doing? Still licking his wounds from when I had him in my dungeon? He was so much fun to play with.

The wave of power rolling out from Merle almost singed Hazel’s hair.

“Merle,” Hazel admonished softly. “Don’t let her rile you up.”

Ah, Juneau said, a sneer in her voice, Hazel. The stain on our community, with your demon daughter and demon-fae son. You should have long crawled under some rock for all the ways you’ve been besmirching our ancient ways with your demon-loving filth.

Hazel’s nostrils flared, her own power crackling in her veins.

“Mother,” Sophie said, breaking into the building tension. “I asked Merle to call you here today because I need your help.”

A considering pause. Tell me, Juneau then said.

Sophie took a deep breath. “When you were bound in the Shadows, the head-of-family title did not pass to me but stayed with you. Since the Shadows suppress your powers, the entire family is cut off from ambient magic. The head of family acts as a conduit for the access to the extra magic between the layers of the world. As long as your powers are subdued, none of us have enough magic to defend ourselves.”

A smirk crept into Juneau’s voice. So release me, and that problem will be solved.

Sophie cleared her throat. “The, uh, Elders will not release you at full power. The only way for you to be unbound from the Shadows is if we immediately transfer the head-of-family title to me, and then bind your powers.”

Juneau’s energy darkened, gaining a vicious edge.

“To do that,” Sophie went on, “we need a spell from you. I’ve tried to find it in our records, but it seems only you know it. It’s the one to transfer the responsibility for paying back to the Powers That Be from one witch to another. The Elders will use it to create a derivative spell to transfer the head-of-family title from you to me.”

When Juneau spoke, it was with an audible gritting of phantom teeth. I will be released only to spend the rest of my days with my magic bound like a bird with clipped wings? And you expect me to help you do this?

“Mother—” Sophie began, but Hazel cut her off.

“Would you prefer to spend forever in the Shadows? You won’t die. The Shadows will keep you alive indefinitely, while it will feel like you’re dying of hunger. You’ve had a taste of that. You know what it feels like. Picture that for eternity, while your family, the Laroche line, will suffer from their lack of magic, generation after generation, until they’re all killed off in simple skirmishes with demons because they couldn’t manage the most basic defensive spells. All because you were too proud and stubborn to live without your magic. Is that the legacy you want to leave? For your family to remember you for your selfishness instead of a sacrifice for the sake of your line?”

Merle raised her brows and gave Hazel a thumbs-up.

After a long, ponderous silence, Juneau spoke again. Fine. I shall give you the spell, and I will meet my destiny for the good of our family.

Sophie exhaled roughly. “Thank you.”

For this spell, Juneau said, you need oil to anoint both the witch from whom you take the responsibility to pay back and the witch to whom you will transfer it.

Sophie got out a pen and a notebook and wrote it down.

Juneau listed a few more props and described how to use them, then spoke the words of the spell.

From the one who bears the burden for all

To pay back the magic, both great and small,

I shall lift the duty to carry this weight

And give to another, to face the fate

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