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“Where, exactly? All the seats are taken.”

“Not much longer.”

Grabbing her hand, he stalked over to the table, fixed the group of three guys with a murderous stare, and barked, “Fuck off!”

They took one look at the demonic glow of his eyes, their primitive animal instincts registering what their modern human brains had trouble processing, and then scrambled to get out of the booth.

“Tallak,” Hazel groaned.

“Just sit tight here, love.” He gave her quick kiss, and patted her ass before veering off toward the bar.

He returned with a suitably strong drink for his demonic metabolism, as well as a ridiculously fruity cocktail concoction for Hazel…only to find some other male sitting across from her, leaning over the table to obviously try to sweet-talk her.

His female.

Red swept over his vision. He just about managed to set down the drinks without spilling them before grabbing the man around his neck and hauling him up to eye level, making the fucker balance on tiptoes. His fangs punched down through his gums, and he bared them at the male in a feral snarl. His eyes most certainly glowed demonically again, because the man’s face whitened despite the pressure Tallak was putting on his neck, and the bloke whimpered in primal fear.

“Tallak!” Hazel’s voice, from somewhere behind him. “Let him go!”

Reluctantly, he set the man down on the ground, though he made sure to give him one last good squeeze to the throat.

“Get your ass the fuck away from her,” he growled and shoved the guy away.

The man stumbled over his own feet in his rush to heed Tallak’s command.

Sliding onto the seat right next to Hazel, he slung his arm around her shoulders, just to make his claim to her abundantly clear to any other male. Stupid fucking humans with their stupid fucking blunt senses. Any otherworld creature would have smelled Tallak’s scent on her, because he’d made sure he’d nuzzled her throat and hugged her close earlier, and would have known she was in the company of a strong male. Even if that scent marking was temporary—he’d have to mate with her to make it permanent—it would have been enough of a deterrent for another demon eyeing her with sexual intent.

Humans, though… Ignorant motherfuckers.

“That was completely unnecessary.”

Hazel’s quiet admonishment pulled him out of his broody thoughts.

“You’re right,” he said and picked up his drink. “I shouldn’t have let him go. Tearing out his throat right here would have sent a stronger message.”

Hazel leaned away from him to better skewer him with one of her withering glares.

“Here.” He handed her the pastel joke of a drink and sent her an unrepentant grin. “Cheers, babe.”

Hazel narrowed her eyes. “I’m beginning to think it was a bad idea to go out with you tonight.”

“But you like bad ideas.”

“I do not!”

He leaned in until their noses almost touched and purred, “Then why are you fucking me?”

She made an adorable little gasp and pushed him away, but he smirked as he picked up his drink again. Because despite her bluster, the faint scent of her arousal perfumed the air, proving him right.

“Come on,” he said and clinked his glass against hers. “Drink up.”

Hazel eyed her cocktail. “I’m not sure I should. It’s been a while since I had some alcohol.”

“It’s called liquid courage, and you most certainly need some right now.”

“It’ll go straight to my head.”


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