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He chuckled under his breath. That damn, smart-ass bluotezzer.

Eat a peach, Rhun had told him. At Tallak’s puzzled What-the-fuck? look, he’d elaborated. The male equivalent to a beautiful woman sensually eating a banana, the other demon had said, is eating a peach. Trust me on this. Just make sure to suck up the juices real good and go all in. Hazel won’t know what hit her.

And the annoying twatwaffle was right.

Hazel shifted on her chair, made a half-choked sound in the back of her throat, and scratched at her neck. Poor thing was a second away from writhing in her seat.

“Mom, are you okay?” Lily leaned over to her with a frown.

“Sure, yeah, fine.” Hazel cleared her throat and rubbed her nose.

Her eyes flitted back to Tallak.

He sucked the peach with deliberate dedication and full use of his lips while cocking a brow.

Hazel shot up so fast her chair screeched over the kitchen floor. “Excuse me,” she muttered as she hurried toward the door.

“Mom? What’s going on?” Basil half rose from his seat.

“I just”—Hazel didn’t even pause, simply called out the rest of the sentence from the hallway—“forgot I was treating some stains in the laundry room. Gotta go throw it in the wash now.”

Tallak hid his laugh in a cough.

“Does she seem…weird to you, too?” Basil asked his sister.

“She’s wired, yeah.” Lily’s brows drew together as she stared after her mother. “But she’s under a lot of stress with the shit that’s going on in the witch community right now, so…”

I could definitely help with relieving that stress. Tallak insouciantly finished his peach and washed his hands.

“Hey, Dad?” Basil asked after a moment.

“Hm?” Tallak rubbed at his mouth with a napkin.

“You still up for game night later?”

Tallak threw the napkin in the trash. “Meow yeah.”

He froze.

Everyone at the table paused in what they were doing and turned to stare at him.

Basil blinked. “Did you just…meow?”

“Meow no!” Tallak balled his hands into fists. “What the meow?!”

Lily was the first to crack. Unable to smother her laughter with her hand clapped over her mouth, she doubled over, racked by wheezing guffaws. Basil was next, bursting with barely restrained laughs. Alek and Isa both valiantly tried to hold it in, but alas, it was a lost cause.

Tallak growled, gritting his teeth. “This is not meowing funny!”

This only served to set them all off again. Lily hiccuped, Isa snort-laughed, Alek wiped tears from the corners of his eyes while chuckling, and Basil bit into his fist, his whole body shaking, his expression torn between apology and helpless hilarity.

Tallak uttered a long line of perfectly vulgar expletives, and each time, the swear word came out as a godsdamn lifelike cat’s meow. Like he was fucking cursed.

Wait a second. Tallak narrowed his eyes at the door Hazel had vanished through. Oh, that tricky little witch. Who knew she had it in her?

Stalking after her, he waved off Basil’s laughter-tinged apology. “Meow it. I’ll see you later.”

The hallway lay empty, the only clue to where she’d gone the faint trace of her scent in the air—laced with the unmistakable musk of her arousal. His own body responded instantly, his mind bringing up the memories of when he’d last enjoyed this scent... Tangled sheets and warm skin, the slight taste of salt on his tongue as he licked up her thigh.

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