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“Fuck. Her.”


“Who is this witch to you?” In the silence that followed, he added, “Who is she that you would beat yourself up about her thinking you’re rude? Is she a valued friend? A beloved relative?”

“No.” Hazel rubbed her eyes with the fingers of her free hand.

“No. She’s just another witch, and not only that, but she was also part of the group that hunted the people you actually care about. What power does she hold over your thoughts, your image of yourself? None, that’s what. So she’s mad at you for pointing out a truth she’s not ready to accept? That’s not on you. You’ve shown the lot of them more respect and civility than they deserve. They wanted to kill your daughter, for fuck’s sake. You don’t owe them a thing, let alone consideration of their feelings when you’re trying to prepare the traitorous bunch for a future that will wipe them out if they don’t adapt.”

Hazel raised her brows, struck mute.

“So yeah,” Tallak said. “Fuck her. Fuck her and her hurt feelings. You don’t need to feel ashamed for telling her the truth—no, not even in that moment, right after her mother’s death. When, if not then? It’s not like the lot of them will listen at any other time. And it’s not like you’ve got time. Your folk are already dying because they were too stubborn to change their ways when they were warned well in advance. She’s mad because you were ‘tactless’?”

Hazel actually heard the air quotes he had no doubt made for that word.

“Well, let her stay mad. In fact, let her die mad about it, which I’m sure she will when she continues to ignore your advice. You spoke your truth. You have nothing to apologize for.”

Silence ensued, the only sounds those of her beating heart and Tallak’s breath over the phone line.

“Hazel?” he eventually asked. “You still there?”

“Um, yeah.” She cleared her throat. “I… That was… I don’t think I’ve ever heard you speak that much in one go since I hit you with the truth spell.”

“Ah, yes, fond memories.” There was a smile in his voice. It did something to her belly.

“Thank you. For the pep talk.” She bit her lip.

“Feel better?”

“Yes.” And she actually did. That weight on her chest, it had lifted at some point during Tallak’s diatribe. That knot of guilt came loose, unraveled. The breaths she took felt free now.

“Good.” The warmth in that one word curled around her. “So the reason I actually called…”

Hazel straightened her spine. “Uh-huh?”

“Look, I know we agreed on one night, but I’ll be honest and say that if you’re up for it, I want more. Now, you don’t have to say anything right this moment. This is just me throwing it out there. Totally your decision. Think about it. Mull it over. Same rules as last time—no strings attached, no one knows except you and me. Just…think about it.” He paused, and his voice dropped to a sensual level. “I’m sure I can help you with that insomnia of yours, make sure you’re wrung out and relaxed enough to sleep.”

And then he hung up.

Hazel took the phone away from her ear to stare at the display.

Hung. Up.

After dropping that bomb of a suggestion on her.

“Oh, you little, sneaky, cunning, wicked, maddening—” She shook the phone, gritted her teeth, and uttered a strangled cry of frustration.

She would hex him. Yes, a good, proper, harmless but annoying jinx such as making him meow like a cat every time he wanted to say a curse word. She grinned at the thought, vindictive amusement fizzing through her, distracting her for a moment from the thing he’d proposed.

The outrageous, dangerous, much too tempting thing that she wouldn’t even name. Much less think about. Much, much less fantasize about while she lay in bed, struck by even worse insomnia than usual.



“You know you still owe me for setting me up on a date with that chain-smoker.” Lily pointed at Basil with her fork, her dark blue eyes narrowed.

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