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Well, of course he’d learn that little tidbit, wouldn’t he? Considering he had the mansion staked out to watch Maeve. And then there was Alek, Lily’s mate…Arawn’s enforcer.

Merle narrowed her eyes. “I thought you already knew? Or don’t you wring every last drop of information about what’s going on with us out of Alek?”

Arawn tsked. “Aleksandr only reveals what he wants to reveal, and I do not pressure him for more.”

She raised her brows. “I find that hard to believe.”

That ghostly smile again. “I do not bend a knife until it breaks. A fractured blade is of no use to me.”

She frowned, blinked. Devious, perplexing bastard.

“Where has Hazel Murray gone?” Arawn asked again, the shadows in his eyes deepening. “And why would she leave when Juneau Laroche watches you and yours like a hawk, waiting for the opportune moment to strike?”

Damn it, but he honestly shouldn’t be able to rattle her any more with anything he said. She should already be used to him having his fingers in every pie and his spies in every corner. And yet, here she stood, trying not to breathe noticeably faster so she could hide just how much his knowledge shook her.

She swallowed past her anxiety. “Didn’t you once say you don’t involve yourself in the affairs of witches?”

His smile this time dripped with condescension. “Obviously, my interests have changed.”

A shiver ran down her back. And not the good kind of shiver.

“Tell me where she went.”

“I am so not—”

“Tell me.”

“Seriously, if you think—”

“Tell. Me.”

“SHE’S GONE INTO FAERIE TO FIND BASIL, OKAY?” Uncharacteristic rage lashed out of her in a wave of sparks—visible, real sparks that settled on the rug and glowed bright before she extinguished them with a flick of her hand, her heart pounding. She hadn’t lost it like this around Arawn since he’d come to claim Maeve right after her rescue.

The Demon Lord’s attention pinpointed on her with laser-like focus. With narrowed eyes, he stalked forward, prowled around her, leaned in and sniffed at her. Growling, he drew back.

“How long?” he demanded.

“I don’t know, a couple days?” She gestured with her free hand. “A week? I have no idea how long it’ll take her to find him.”

“Not that,” Arawn snarled. “How long have you been with child?”

If lightning had struck her right then and there, it would have been less of a shock. She virtually felt all blood leaving her face, her head.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she whispered.

“You should know better than to think you can lie to me.”

Her mind scrambled back into order. “This is none of your business.”

Arawn paced a few feet away, turned back and advanced on her until they were almost nose to nose. Or nose to chest, considering their height difference. “Why have you not informed me of this?”

She jerked back her head. “Excuse you?”

“You should have told me, fire witch.”

“Why? What’s it to you?”

“It changes things,” he said gruffly and turned away.

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