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My eyes began to hunt for Nora who was laughing with some people from her office. Under the venue lights that twinkled like stars, Nora in her nude colored dress appeared to be an ethereal fairy that had stepped straight out of a Tolkien movie. She’d made me watch all three of those long ass movies and I had not been impressed in the slightest.

I wanted to leave this place right now, with her over my shoulder and head back to her apartment. She made me feel comfortable.

She madeusfeel…

Sebastian was about to say something but he stopped. Isotta DeLuca, his grandmother had arrived and at her side was, Gisella.

But that wasn’t all.

They had brought a storm into Seattle with them because they weren’t alone.

My father had arrived…

“Son of a bitch,” I seethed.

Augustus Zaccarah was not and had not been on the guest list.



Sebastian was looking between me and my father, and then me and his sister. He took a deep breath and then finally spoke. He wanted to know what in the hell was going on just as much as I did.

“Is that your father?” He finally asked, a hint of disbelief entering into his voice.

My eyes felt like they were about to bulge out of my head. The Corsican was itching to get out and it almost seemed as if he wanted to start a full blown war right in the middle of the dance floor.

“It appears to be,” I murmured wondering if there was a bottle of alcohol anywhere nearby.

My eyes went to Nora who had noticed Isotta and Gisella. She had no idea that my father was in her vicinity though. However, I knew she wasn’t a fan of Gisella’s so she would remain as professional as ever.

Isotta spotted Sebastian and me and started walking over. Her gray hair was completely snow white and had been piled into a soft bun that sat on top of her head while small curls framed her face. Isotta DeLuca looked as stern as ever, and something told me that she was not happy. Brie must’ve spotted her soon to be family members as well because I saw her blue head of hair beginning to weave through the crowd of well-wishers. She came over and casually kissed Sebastian on the cheek after reaching him first.

“Wondered where you’d gotten off to,” she smiled warmly. “Hi, Mason.”

“Hello Brie,” I replied tightly, my gaze having gone back to my father who was talking with some of the older looking guest that probably knew him. Gisella remained by his side and I had no idea why except for a sickening feeling that was blooming in my stomach.

“Grandson,” Isotta replied finally making it to our sides.

“What is that man doing here?” Sebastian asked. He placed a kiss on each one of his grandmother’s cheeks.

She acknowledged Brie and myself individually.

Isotta sighed. “I have prayed, my sweet boy. Prayed so very hard…”

“Grandmother, what is it?”

She shook her head, closing her eyes and then opened them again. A sadness seemed to enter her eyes and she looked over at me.

“I am so sorry for what I’m about to tell you,” Isotta shook her head again.

“Grandmother, what is it?”

“Your sister, she’s carrying…”

I seemed to have gone deaf, as in I heard nothing. My eyes glossed over, my vision going red and I knew the Corsican was trying to slip into control. My hand reached out to grip the bar, and smells began to filter through my nose.

I became acutely aware that everyone in this room had a specific smell.
