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“Ma’am we already know you pregnant!” Rain said aloud shaking her head.

Dione rolled her eyes playfully. “Not that, heffa!”

“Yes, we’d like to know,” my father finally stated.

Dione touched her husband’s shoulder and smiled. “T.J. and I are not only expanding our family. But we’re expanding the business as well. We decided to go in on a new night club, which is really risky. But…”

T.J. took over then. “We found that during the hours where we offered a more western flared vibe, business picked up on those nights by eighty percent.”

“So that’s what that was about?” I asked picking up my wine that Adam had poured for everyone just moments earlier.

“Oh yeah!” T.J. turned his eyes on me and then announced. “I heard you dating white guys now.”

I coughed and nearly choked on the wine at his words before looking across the table at Rain. “What?”

My sister shrugged holding up a hand to halt me from accusing her. “I ain’t say shit!”

My mother slapped at my sister’s hand. “Don’t curse at my damn table, girl.”

“Ma!” Rain yelped snatching her hand back.

Nobody paid them any attention because everybody was grinning and looking at me like I needed to explain all of my dating decisions to them.

“I-I’m not seeing anyone…not sure where you got that information from,” I shrugged.

“That’s not what I heard,” T.J. said in between chews of the salad I wanted to smush his face in. “I heard he had you all hemmed up on the dance floor.”

My mother gasped and grasped at her invisible pearls. “Not my baby!”

“Mom, please,” I shook my head.

A knock started on the door and I breathed a sigh of relief. My dad got up from the table to see who it was and I relaxed in my seat, my palms feeling itchy.

Next, I heard Rain gasp from across the table and I looked up to find a pair of dark brown eyes belonging to none other than Mason Zacchara, staring at me from the doorway of my parents’ house.

There was a small bouquet of flowers in his hand, pink lilies greeted my eyes. I knew they would smell sweet and heavenly. I couldn’t remember if I’d mentioned to him how much I like lillies.

“Nora, this young man is here to see you,” my dad was grinning from ear to ear.

Heat filled my face and I was sure I was the color of a ripe tomato hanging low on a vine in somebody’s summer garden.

I just wanted the floor to open up and swallow me as all eyes turned from Mason to me. My mouth had gone dry and I had no earthly idea what to say.

It didn’t matter though, because my mother spoke for everyone. “What’s your name, son?”

Mason’s gaze never left my face as he answered her, “It’s Mason, ma’am.”

So polite.

So respectful.

Nearly forty-eight hours ago he’d had me throwing my ass in and circle like I was a fighter in Mortal Combat.

“Well Mason,” my mother said. “Sit down and have dinner with us.”

“Oh, he fine as hell,” I heard Dione whisper beside T.J. and knew my brother had moved in closer to his wife as if Mason’s testosterone was going to impregnate her even further.

I was never going to emotionally recover from this. This could have very well been my thirteenth reason because the embarrassment that I felt pooling in my stomach was enough to send me over the edge.
