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Say you’ll bring her flowers or something,the Corsican sighed.


Carmine managed to land another punch and I blocked the next, rolling away again. He was in full beast mode right now and I was getting cracked like a walnut.

Buddy, really, now is now the time….

I need to see her,the Corsican replied and I started feeling hazy like I was about to black out.

Fine,I retorted.We will find a way to see her, even though she might not want to see us.

My Corsican roared to life then.Better answer bitch.

Energy began to course through my veins as Carmine landed hit after hit. He had me pinned on the mat and I was on my back.

“Fuck this shit!” I hollered.

Using all of my returned strength, I bucked him off of me hard and fast before getting into a stance and wiping at my face. Blood was pouring and I didn’t like seeing my own blood.

I was craving it now.

Carmine had to bleed himself now.

Not holding back, I ran full speed and whipped myself into a spinning heel kick connecting with my brothers face. He stumbled back and I didn’t let up. I began punching him and punching him until I felt someone pulling me off.

Turning I found Matteo with his service pistol in my face. “Now what are you about to do with that besides piss me off!” My Corsican was out and ready to dance.

Matteo eased around us and I saw him reach for Carmine, who he helped to his feet. “Begin to calm the fuck down. Before I put you down.”

My brother’s voice was calm enough that the Corsican realized he was no threat. Besides, our mission was complete, Carmine was bleeding profusely. I felt myself smiling a dizzying smile and the Corsican moved out of my mind’s driver seat.

“Sorry bout that, bro” I offered a shrug as Carmine stumbled away to get ice.

“You could have killed him,” Matteo slowly but surely lowered the gun.

“But I didn’t,” I replied.

“What the fuck is going on with you? That was some next level aggression.” Matteo was holstering his gun.

“I’m not sure.” I admitted, picking up a towel, I dabbed at my face and Carmine stumbled back over.

“Well you’d better get that shit under control. A rogue Corsican? Dad would…”

“He would what?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Let’s not even go there,” Carmine looked between us. “Let’s just get some beer. We worked out. I’m feeling good despite the ass whooping.”

“I’m here all week,” I gave a laugh. “Beer sounds good.”

Matteo gave me a once over and we headed inside. My face was stinging and I was sure that a few bruises were forming. The skin over my knuckles was red and shiny and as I flexed my hand hints of pain resided there.

The Corsican had enjoyed whopping Carmine’s ass. I could only hope that would satisfy it until a new opportunity came along to inflict some real damage like whoever that had been that tried to murk me.

Matteo cracked open a beer that Carmine had sat down in front of him, and I followed suit. “You ever read that article I sent you?”

“No, never got around to it, but you’re right. I did know the writer.”

He nodded and Carmine looked confused. “What article?”
