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I frowned. “Shut up, no it wasn’t.”

“Okay sis, if you say so.”

“Bye Rain Elizabeth,” I rolled my eyes.

“Bye Nora Katherine,” I stabbed at the red button so hard, I hurt my index finger.

My big sister really was my best friend.

Bitch,I thought.

Returning to the kitchen I found Mason sitting at the table and he had plated everything nicely and was waiting to eat. He stood as I approached and held out his hand to me.

“Hungry?” he asked.

“Very,” my stomach gave a slow rumble again.

The pad of his thumb ran over the back of my hand slowly and then he dropped a kiss on my head.

“Eat, Darlin. We want to see you eat…”

Taking a breath, I sat down and he joined me. Slowly I picked up the fork, a million thoughts passing through my head.

“This…this other you…”

Mason had chopped fruit and a strawberry was halfway to his mouth. “Yes?”

“I don’t get it,” I admitted. “Do you have like…split personalities.”

Mason grinned. “I don’t quite understand it either. Its…genetic, that I do know. My brothers all have a version of one. My father…”

Mason had never once mentioned his father. Only his mother and I sensed some sort of frigid, frost-bitten tension residing there about his father.

He cleared his throat, bit into the strawberry and spoke again. “We call it…the dark passenger within our bodies, we call it a Corsican.”

“Does your family come from Corsica?”

Mason smiled. “You’re smart as fuck. Yeah, how’d you know.”

“Just a guess.”

I shrugged and finally stuffed some eggs into my mouth. I tasted butter, and salt and pepper and cheese. Damn, he was fine as fuck, and could cook.

He’s also an assassin…

Mason seemed to want to talk. “So…”

Taking a sip of juice to cleanse my palate I turned. “Why did you ghost me all those months ago?”

I nearly choked as the juice went down the wrong way. Sputtering, I tried to save my life and my hands went wild nearly knocking over the juice. Mason caught it and shook his head.

Grabbing a napkin, I dabbed at my mouth.

“E-Eve Barron,” I managed to get out still coughing, sure that I was redder than a baboon’s ass after orange juice had nearly taken my life.

Mason stilled. “What about her.”

Oxygen filled my lungs. “After the incident with Mr. DeLuca’s children…Mason that woman hasn’t been seen since. I just thought it best if I didn’t make a mistake that would wind up with me getting dumped somewhere.”
