Page 25 of Priceless Kiss

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But I’m a long way from home.


I turn at the sound of Sebastian’s voice. He greets me in the foyer, and his eyes sweep down the length of my body. I’m wearing a midnight blue silk cocktail dress that falls over my curves like water, embellished with tiny crystals that gleam under the lights. I styled my hair down, in loose waves, with shimmering natural makeup, and high-heeled strappy sandals. I was aiming for the classic movie star look, and watching Sebastian’s eyes flash with lust, I know I’ve made the right move.

“You look gorgeous,” he murmurs, and I give a bashful smile.

“Thank you.”

“Mr. Wolfe, your table is ready,” the hostess says, gazing at him in awe.

And she’s not the only one. As we’re led through the restaurant, people hush their conversation to watch, heads turning to see us pass. When we get to the table the hostess has set aside for us, I move forward to sit down, but Sebastian shakes his head.

“No,” he says simply.

“Ex… Excuse me?” the hostess looks terrified.

“This isn’t my usual table.” Sebastian’s tone is perfectly even, but it’s like a bomb just went off from the way the woman gasps.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize.”

“I prefer to sit there.” Sebastian nods to a table in the very middle of the room. Where everyone can see. It’s already occupied by an older couple, halfway through dinner, but to my surprise, the man immediately gets to his feet.

“We’re happy to move,” he says quickly.

“That’s very kind of you,” Sebastian says coolly.

“It’s no trouble. No trouble at all!” The man, who must be twice Sebastian’s age, and wealthy too, judging from his suit and expensive watch, practically grovels to step aside. “Mabel, come on, get out of their way.”

There’s a rush of activity as the waitstaff descend, and barely a moment later, we’re seated at the freshened table, while the man and his wife are moved across the room.

“Much better, don’t you think?” Sebastian says. He orders an expensive bottle of wine for us to share, and I wait until the hostess leaves us alone to say anything.

“The other table would have been fine,” I say quietly.

“I’m sure it would have. But what fun would that be?” Sebastian replies, with a smirk of satisfaction. And then I realize—he didn’t really care about the table, he just felt like proving he was the most important man in the room.

“That was kind of an asshole move,” I can’t help saying. “I would have thought only small, insecure men worry about things like a table position.”

His eyes flash up, and I immediately regret it.So much for playing sweet and docile. But then Sebastian’s mouth spreads in a smile.

“A very asshole move,” he agrees, looking amused. “And you’re right, I don’t give a damn about the table. But the man who just moved for us? He’s a businessman, on the board of a company I’m considering buying. I wondered what kind of reception I’d get, whether they’d put up a fight at all. And now I know. In fact, I’m going to reduce my bid by fifty percent, since clearly, he has no backbone at all. Imagine, offering to let someone walk all over you the way he just did.”

Sebastian scowls in clear disdain, and I realize something. That for all the appeal of sweet Avery’s innocent act, he respects people who show strength. Who stand up to him, talk back.


“Let’s not devote another minute to insignificant people,” Sebastian continues, giving me a slow, assessing look. “Not with far more interesting things to enjoy tonight.”

My skin tingles where his gaze lands, as if it’s a physical touch.

“So, what’s good here?” I ask brightly, reaching for the menu. “I’m hungry.”

“That’s right,” Sebastian smiles. “I’ll have to tell the chef to stock the kitchen at home for your midnight snacks.”

His eyes meet mine, and I blush, hit by the sensual memory of him feeding me that chocolate mousse. His hands gripping my knees.

His thumb in my mouth.
