Page 23 of Priceless Kiss

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By the time I return to the house that evening, I’m exhausted, and it takes Leon half-a-dozen trips to bring all my purchases up to my room. My expansive dressing room is now full to the brim.

And I’m betting Sebastian won’t even notice the tiny dent my hundred-thousand-dollar shopping spree put in his vast fortune.

I would love to sink into a hot bath, order some food sent up to my room, and have an early night, but I know that my work is just getting started. I can’t lock myself away, if I’m going to uncover Sebastian’s secrets.

I need to know more. And that means spending more time with him.

I head downstairs. The door of his office is open now, and I can hear his voice coming from inside. He has company: A woman’s there with him.

Unable to contain my curiosity, I step closer, lingering just back from the doorway. I can see Sebastian is seated behind his desk, and there’s a woman across from him, leaning forward to hear a call that’s playing on the cellphone speaker. I crane to see more of her. She’s in her thirties, dressed in business casual, but expensive: tailored silk pants and a creamy blouse, with lots of statement gold jewelry. Her brown hair is in a chic bob, and she’s wearing bold lipstick. Her features are pretty plain, but she’s put together and stylish, and has a confident look about her.

Who is she to Sebastian?

I do a quick assessment of the two of them, taking in the space between them and the way that both of their attention is focused on the phone and some paperwork on the desk in front of them, not each other. I can’t be sure, but this seems like a business associate, maybe a friend since she’s in his home. But I don’t sense any sexual tension in the air.

Good. I don’t need any competition for his attention in that area.

“I don’t care if the owner is reluctant. I’m not giving up until I get what I want, and I want that company.” Sebastian says, sounding annoyed.

“If it comes down to it, we have ways of forcing his hand,” the woman across from Sebastian chimes in. “He’ll lose everything, but that’s his own fault if he won’t be agreeable.”

“Let’s try the easy route first,” the man’s voice on the speakerphone says. “You know how it is in business. Sometimes a little charm goes along way.”

“You have twenty-four hours, then we go full force. Have the lawyers prepare the filings.” Sebastian replies, not looking convinced. He suddenly glances up and sees me standing there. “We’re done here. I’ll touch base with you tomorrow.”

He ends the call, and by now, the woman has noticed me as well. I feel her eyes on me, curious.

Clearly, Sebastian doesn’t invite women into his home very often.

“Becca, this is Avery.” Sebastian makes a clipped introduction. “Becca Hargreaves works with me at Wolfe Capital.”

“Hi,” I send her a big smile.

She barely stretches her lips in return.

Sebastian doesn’t notice. He’s checking his phone. “I have to get to the Lawton meeting.”

She nods, already pulling a file from her large, designer briefcase. “I have the data here. The main highlights are summarized on the cover sheet.”

Sebastian doesn’t thank her; he just takes the file as they both exit the office. He closes the door behind them, and I swallow my disappointment.

If that’s where his business action is, I’m going to want to take a look.

Sebastian exits, and I turn—and find Becca watching me. I paste on a big smile. “Do you want a drink?” I offer brightly. “Iced tea—no, wait, you Brits only like your tea hot, with milk and sugar.”

“I could use some water,” Becca replies, still looking like she wants to figure me out.

The feeling’s mutual.

“Great!” I beam, all smiles, and make my way to the massive chef’s kitchen, with views onto the back gardens. “Now, if I can just figure out where the fridge is…” I start, looking at the banks of matching built-in cabinets.

Becca doesn’t hesitate, she goes straight for the middle row, and opens it to reveal the hidden refrigerator. “Wow, thanks,” I smile again, playing the ditsy American girl. “I’m still trying not to get lost here.”

She passes me a bottle of San Pellegrino. “I’m sure you’ll learn, soon enough.”

“So, you and Sebastian must know each other pretty well. Have you worked together for a long time?” I ask, trying to seem as friendly as possible.

But her mood stays cool. “Nearly a decade. And you? Do you know him well?”
