Page 42 of The Wrong Victim

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“She was an asset on the Triple Killer investigation.”

“Which took place while she was on administrative leave after she killed a suspect.”

“Who threw a knife in her back,” Matt said. “I am familiar with the case. If you read her files, you know that she went undercover for nearly a year to end a human trafficking ring that was bringing in Chinese nationals for the purpose of slave labor.”

“I did. She spent eleven months in that role, and only two hours with the police psychiatrist after her informant was killed. Then she shot to death one of the suspects, and the other allegedly fell from a roof and suffered major injuries. She was the subject of a federal investigation for civil rights abuse—”

“Stop right there, Catherine. Tony looked into that investigation and it was bullshit, opened by an agent who was reprimanded because of Kara’s testimony in a case years before this one.”

“I don’t think either of us—or Tony—knows the whole story. Why did you even want her on this team?”

“It wasn’t solely my decision, but I’m glad she’s here. After the Triple Killer case, Kara went back to LA and her cover was blown. Her partner had been killed, and she couldn’t work in the field anymore. Her boss talked to Tony and they worked out an arrangement for her to be on my team until she testifies against the trafficker she took down. It’s going to be a year to eighteen months before the trial.”

“I know Tony gave you veto power over every hire. You should have vetoed her.”

Catherine didn’t understand why Matt hadn’t. He didn’t always play by the rules, but he wanted a team that did. He had always expected 100 percent loyalty and competence.

“She’s a maverick,” Catherine continued. “Worse than you ever were. And in these volatile times, when law enforcement is always under a microscope, Kara Quinn is a relic of the past. You need to cut her loose.”

Matt didn’t say anything, and Catherine took that as a sign that he knew she was right.

“The sooner, the better,” Catherine said, “before she puts our team at risk.”

“Give Kara a chance. She has great instincts and a different kind of experience that is valuable to our team.”

They’d reached the house. Catherine walked up the stairs to the wide front porch; Matt stayed at the bottom.

Catherine turned to face him. “Would you at least keep an open mind?”

“I could say the same thing to you.”

She bristled. “Fair enough.”

“I’ll save you a seat at the pub.”

“Ryder had food delivered earlier. I’ll make a sandwich. I’m not in the mood to socialize.” She hesitated, then said, “My mother called today.”

Matt didn’t say anything, but by his expression, he knew exactly what the call had been about.

“I’m not going to the memorial service,” Catherine said.

“Is that why you’re here? To avoid the anniversary of Beth’s death? Or your mother?”

“Subconsciously, those are two of the reasons. But I’m not lying to myself, Mathias,” she said. “Beth was murdered three hundred sixty-one days ago. I’m glad you remember.”

His face darkened. Why had she said that? Why did she have this need to keep hurting Matt because he didn’t love her sister?

“I’m going to eat. Say hi to Lizzy for me.”

As he walked away, she felt a twinge of guilt. She walked into the house and shut the door. Waves of negative emotions washed through her. Her anger with Matt. The overwhelming sadness of losing Beth—her sister and best friend. The feeling she deserved to be alone; the guilt of what she put her husband and daughter through when she had walked out.

It didn’t matter that she and Chris were back together, that they were living under the same roof, that she loved him—she loved him so much it hurt. She had put him through pain because she couldn’t handle her own pain. What kind of psychiatrist did that make her? What kind of human being?

She went to the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine she’d bought earlier in the day. A decent chardonnay from an Oregon vineyard. She poured; sipped. Pulled out her cell phone and hit Home.

Home. She had to remember she still had one.

Chris answered.
