Page 132 of The Wrong Victim

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Marcy tilted her head again, listening, then turned to start down the hall. “Don’t move, Kara. I need to check on my baby.”

Kara had to do something short of pulling her gun.

“Rena Brown.”

Marcy whipped around and stared at her, eyes wide.

“Last night before she was murdered, Rena called Jamie, then left a voice mail for Cal. She arranged to meet him this morning. You left the Fish & Brew before me, and a while later I heard about Cal and Jamie moving up the wedding. And surprise, she’s pregnant. Did Rena see you eavesdropping? Or maybe she slipped, said something about the pregnancy? I know you killed her, Marcy.”

Marcy didn’t say a word.

This might not have been the best plan, but it was the only one Kara had to keep Marcy in the room when chitchat wasn’t cutting it.

“You’re left-handed. Damon isn’t left-handed.”

Silence. Marcy’s face was blank and slack, as if all personality had drained from her body.

“You couldn’t risk Rena alerting Cal that she thought you were eavesdropping—that you’d had a bad reaction to the good news. Rena didn’t know why it bothered her, but it did. She was doing her side work before she left and spilled a jug of malt vinegar as she was refilling the bottles. She broke a glass. She was distracted...and now I know why.”

“Has anyone ever sucker punched you?” said Marcy. “Completely turned your life upside down?”

“We’ve all been through shit.”

“You could never possibly understand. Who do you think you are? Coming here to accuse me of what? Murder? Really!”

A little cry came from down the hall, then “Mommy? Mommy?”

“You made me yell, and now I woke her up.”

“Marcy, please stay and talk this through—”

“I need to take care of her.”

“Where’s Jamie? Where’s Hazel’s mom?”

“I’mHazel’s mom,” Marcy said, dead serious.

“What did you do to Jamie?”

Hazel cried louder, then stopped.

Marcy ran down the hall. Kara pulled her gun and pursued. She prayed that her team had Hazel. If the little girl was still in that room, Kara couldn’t fire her gun.

Marcy pushed open the bedroom door and flipped on the light. The drapes fluttered around the open window.

She turned around. Kara stood in the hallway, her gun drawn.

“You set this up! You disloyal bitch!”

Kara didn’t want to shoot her. She hated this tight hallway, no place to maneuver, no shields. “Hands where I can see them, Marcy.”

Marcy didn’t hesitate. She rushed Kara.

Kara fired. The bullet hit Marcy in the upper right shoulder, but Marcy didn’t slow down. Before Kara could fire again, Marcy had body slammed her up against the wall and punched her in the stomach so hard the wind was knocked out of her. Marcy was strong, she worked out and lifted weights, and Kara felt completely inadequate, like she was Tinker Bell against an Amazon. But she held on to her gun.

Pounding on the front door distracted Marcy for a moment, and Kara, who knew how to fight dirty, used that to her advantage. She hit Marcy on the side of her head with the butt of her gun. Marcy stepped back just enough so Kara could screw her left thumb deep into the gunshot wound. Marcy screamed, stumbled, and reached for her own holstered gun.

“Don’t make me kill you,” Kara said. She backed away from Marcy, down the hall, her gun aimed center mass. If Marcy pulled, Kara was going to shoot again. Damn, she didn’t want to do that! She didn’t want to kill her. This whole situation was fucked. “Marcy, I can help you.”
