Page 76 of Never Marry Your Brother's Best Friend (Never Say Never)
“From what I’ve gleaned over the years, you’re pretty damn good at saving the lives of sick children,” he said. “Although I’ll admit that I’m surprised you work at County.”
“Well, I’m surprised you’re staying at the Hilton and not the Driskill,” she countered. “And, for your information, County is a wonderful hospital.” Her affronted scowl told him everything he needed to know about the pride she took in working at Travis County Hospital. He stored away that tidbit for later.
“All the suites at the Driskill were taken,” Drew said. “And I just assumed a doctor of your caliber would be at some world-renowned hospital, like Dell Children’s here in Austin. Your talent seems…I don’t know…wasteddoesn’t seem like the right word.”
“That isdefinitelynot the right word,” she said. “The patients at Travis County Hospital deserve the same caliber of care as those at any other hospital.”
Drew sat back and took another sip of his bourbon. “If you approach patient care with even half the passion that you had toward your schoolwork, I have no doubt they’re getting all the care they need.”
“Is that your way of complimenting me?”
“I never had a problem complimenting you, London. You had an issue withacceptingcompliments. Is that still the case?”
“I don’t know.” She swirled the ice in her tumbler, that hint of a smile returning to her lips. “Why don’t you take another shot at it?”
He stared at her over the rim of his highball glass. “You’re wearing the hell out of that jumpsuit. It’s stunning.”
“Hmm.” She took a sip from her drink. “It appears Ihavegotten better at accepting compliments. Thank you.” She gestured to him. “The suit is nice.”
“You can work on your delivery, but I’ll take it.”
She looked over at him, and they both burst out laughing.
Drew was surprised by how at ease she seemed. The London Kelley he remembered from fifteen years ago would have never accepted an invitation up to his room, let alone feel relaxed enough to lounge barefoot on his couch.
“The slideshow that played throughout the reunion brought back some pretty wild memories,” Drew mused. “There was one picture from School Spirit Week I wish I’d grabbed a shot of.”
“I have them all on my phone.”
Of course she did.
“Come on.” She motioned for him to join her on the couch. “You should see the ones thatdidn’tmake the cut for the slideshow.”
Drew halted in the middle of rising from his chair. “Tell me you don’t have that picture from when the basketball team got our hair cut to spell outTROJANS.”
She scrolled for a second before holding up the phone.
Drew groaned. “I’ll pay you a million dollars to delete that.”
“Your money can’t buy me off.” She practically cackled. “I do believe your barber intentionally cut thatOto look like a condom.”
“I later found out he graduated from Anderson High,” Drew said as he sat beside her. London’s knee brushed against his thigh and his pulse skyrocketed.
It suddenly occurred to him that reducing the distance between himself and the woman he’d been halfway in love with in high school wasn’t his smartest decision of the night. But he refused to move. London Kelley was in his hotel room, joking around with him like an old friend. He would savor every second of this.
They browsed through the photos, pointing out who had changed the most—and the least—in their graduating class, then they got into a heated but hilarious debate about his favorite math teacher. London was adamant that Mrs. Wallace had it out for her, which she claimed was the only reason Drew had ended the year with the better grade.
“You’re delusional, Dr. Kelley.”
“That woman hated me,” London said. “And, of course, she absolutelylovedyou, just like all the other teachers.”
“Mrs. Wallace didn’t hate you. She was intimidated by you. You can’t really blame her.”
She arched a brow. “Wereyouintimidated by me?”
He was fascinated by her back then. He still was.
“Nah,” he answered. “Not after I discovered your weak spot.” Her brow arched higher. “You had to control everything,” Drew continued. “And if you didn’t, it drove you out of your mind. Do you think I actuallywantedto be president of the Beta Club and the debate team?” He shook his head. “I only ran for those things to keep you from winning.”