Page 97 of The Earl's Spark

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“Save her. She loves you.” Elonne’s voice was raspy, like his throat had been singed from the inside. Sweat covered him, but even with the pain that riddled his expression, Phillip could see the love he had for his sister.

“Come on, Elonne. We have to move.”

The man coughed, bracing on his hands and knees, blood coming from his mouth. “Take care of her. Love and protect her like I could not do.”

And she loved her brother, no matter what the fight between them had made it look like. He had to find a way to save them both.

“Hang on. I will come back for you.”

“She is what is important. Her and my kids.”

The winds lifted again, and Phillip knew his window was closing. Gathering Fyre into his embrace, he pushed to his feet. He just had to get her to safety, then he could return for Elonne.

“Damon!” he called out. Most likely a hopeless endeavor, but he hoped the man was close enough to hear his cry over the roar of the beast barreling down on them.

* * * *

Phillip paced back and forth while waiting for the doctor to meet him outside Fyre’s room. Same as he’d been doing for the past seven days. He wanted to be in there, but Mrs. Asher had shooed him out the door, stating that while he and Fyre were engaged, they were not yet married, and she was going to have some proper behavior.

They were at Fyre’s small cottage.

Mrs. Asher set down a plate of food on the table and gave him a look. One he recognized as ‘sit and eat’. Her smile was small when he listened to her non-verbal directive.

Fyre hadn’t woken for longer than merely a few moments at a time for the past week, and Phillip was not happy with the lack of results. Or rather, progress.

He understood the smoke inhalation and the massive bump along with the gash on her head, but why was she sleeping so much? The doctor had said he wanted to keep her quiet and sleeping until her lungs and the rest of her had a bit more time to heal. She had new scars on her arms and legs, from a cheroot, most likely. Who had put them on her, he didn’t know. Didn’t care. She was alive, sort of. And he wasn’t about to let her go again.

The doctor wouldn’t go into detail about her past, but he got the gist of it. She’d told him a tiny bit and he’d pieced together the rest. Her scars were from a fire she’d been in as a child. One that had severely damaged her breathing and also marred her skin. It explained why she wasn’t outside in the heat working in the fields. Well, that and her brilliant mind. All he knew was that he needed her to wake up and look at him.

Even if it was only to yell.

The children were crashed on the other side of the room. Personally, he was at the end of his rope.

The moment he finished his food, the doctor walked out and Phillip rose to meet him. “Doc?”

The doctor’s eyes sparkled as he reached out a hand and placed it on Phillip’s arm. “She is awake. And I am not going to keep her sleeping longer.”

He longed to sink to his knees in thanks. “Can she have visitors?” Phillip gestured to her nephews and niece.

“Yes, but go slow.”

“Thank you.” He shook the doctor’s hand, then walked to where the children were cuddled together. He set his hand on Elonne II’s shoulder. “Wake up.”

All three were watching him moments later.

“Aunt Fyre?”

He went to his knee beside them. “She is awake and you can see her. Just remember she is going to be tired and weak, so be gentle.”

They got up and went to the door, constantly looking over their shoulders at him. All he could do was nod that they could go in. He didn’t want to share her, but he had to. Especially now. Trailing them, he waited in the doorway while they hugged her.

God, she was beautiful to him. Her hair had been braided and hung over one shoulder, her hands were bandaged, but it didn’t take anything away from her. She looked up at him and he gave her a shaky smile.

She touched all three and kissed them before whispering to them. The trio left, albeit reluctantly, and Bella hugged him before she finally went back through the door.

Fyre struggled to sit up a bit more and he went to her side, helping her to get comfortable. Then he lowered himself to sit beside her on the narrow bed, sliding one arm behind her. The moment she was tucked against him, his heart and soul settled.

He rested his lips against her temple, just allowing himself a moment to take it all in. She was awake, safe, and in his arms.
