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“I’ll be back.” Avery nodded at me before following Megan to the bar. Brian and Jaden were still talking with Avery’s dad near the foyer, and additional partygoers were clumped at various couches and chairs throughout the expansive room.

“Aww. You guys are so cute together.” Tiffany made us sound like collectible figurines as she patted my arm. She was in an elegant silver cocktail dress and coordinating gladiator heels that would likely land her on at least a couple of gossip sites by morning. My eyes, however, were trained on Avery’s retreating form, not Tiffany’s knockout outfit. She laughed lightly as she followed my gaze. “He’ll be okay though. Megan sounded excited when she called me, and I bet his folks come around.”

“Thanks.” Exhaling, I tried to relax into the plush sofa. “It’s just…”

“New. And hard. And you worry about him. I get it. His folks aren’t exactly warm-fuzzy types. I think he always was a bit…overlooked? It’s nice how you both seem to look out for each other now.” Tiffany was chatty as ever, and if she was smarting over any prior crush on Avery, it certainly wasn’t evident.

“Thank you,” I met her gaze, trying to apologize as much as thank. “I didn’t get a chance to properly say that back in Denver. Thank you for bringing Avery to the hospital.”

“And Liam. It was quite the adventure.” She giggled, making her bangle bracelets jingle. “I didn’t know I could still do that, hop in a strange car, hair all a mess, wearing clothes that weren’t even mine… Damn. Gotta love adrenaline.”

“You would have made a good SEAL.”

“I would have, wouldn’t I?” She tilted her head to one side, smooth, glossy waves of red hair at odds with her description of how fun messy was. “At least then I’d probably get regular meals and like the footwear choices more.”

We both glanced down at her shoes which, while undoubtedly designer and the height of spring fashion, looked a little painful.

“Not a high-heel fan?”

“I’d be in clogs, a giant wearable blanket, and bikini bottoms if I didn’t know for a fact there’s paparazzi all over this party. Megan and Jaden’s wedding will make People for sure. They might even get a reality special out of it.”

“Wow. Good for them.” I couldn’t quite muster genuine enthusiasm for a media-circus wedding, and Tiffany laughed.

“I know. Not my scene either. I’d rather have something more like what you and Avery—”


“No, no, don’t say a word.” Her silver nails sparkled as she waved my concern away. “I’m truly happy for you. And I consider you both friends now, but if you break his heart, you’ll never get another reservation in this town.”

“Got it.” I grinned at her. I liked that Avery had some protective friends. He needed more people looking out for him, bolstering him.

“I’m back.” Avery returned with two cocktails and a cup of a dark beer, deftly managing the load. I scooted closer to Tiffany to make room for him before he handed me one of the cocktails. “Drink for you. And for Tiffany…”

“Please tell me I get the beer.” She made big, pleading eyes. “Smells like it’s a good ale. One with calories even.”

“Here.” Avery gave her the beer he’d likely intended for himself before sitting on my other side.

“Bless you.” Tiffany took a big swig of the beer, then covered a tiny burp with her hand. “Oops. We won’t tell your sister I’m not a fruity drinks kind of girl. Can’t ruin my rep.”

“What rep?” I laughed, and so did the other two. “If you like dark ale like that, I know an amazing tiny brewery with the best burgers.”

“Burgers.” Tiffany gave a near-orgasmic sigh.

“See, this is what I’ve been saying.” Avery pointed at the way she was savoring the beer. “Tiff can’t live on air and saltines.”

“Let me take you both to this place sometime soon,” I offered, already mentally dreaming up what to order to delight Avery’s taste buds.

“Is it a dive spot? Can I go undercover? Like in a disguise?” Tiffany leaned forward, and Avery laughed so hard he almost spilled his cocktail, which, like mine, was largely untouched.

“You really do need to get out more. I’m in.”

“I’m a maybe. Hopefully.” She stood on her towering heels before setting her beer on the coffee table and sliding it closer to Avery. “I see someone my agent would want me to say hello to. Back soon.”

“Going okay?” I asked Avery once she left.

“My dad won’t make eye contact.” Avery sighed heavily and leaned forward. “My mom has walk-in-deep-freeze vibes, but Megan’s cool, and Brian’s weirdly friendly. Like he already was the favorite kid, but maybe this takes some pressure to be perfect off? Who knows?”

“Avery.” I made a soft warning noise. “You’re perfect. Exactly as you are. I can’t pretend to know anything about favorite-kid games, but forget competition. You’re a decorated veteran, an amazing friend, a hard worker, and a whole bunch of other stuff your brother can’t hope to keep up with.”
