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“I started sleeping over at friends’ houses a lot. I worked two jobs to save up money to get out of there. Basically, I just tried to never be home.”

“Did it work?”

“Part of it. I was never there, but they found my money.”

“Is that why you needed the job and place to stay?” I ask and she nods.

“Yeah. I was set to move out and get my own apartment or maybe a little house if I could find one cheap enough. Then I found out that all of my money was gone.”

We both stare out the front window at the house.

“They said that it was payment for housing and taking care of me, but I had already been paying for rent while I was at school. It was supposed to be cheaper to live with them but in the end, it cost me more than a roommate would have.”

“You should have filed a police report.”

“I almost did but then I found out that I got this job. That’s why I couldn’t let you fire me.”

“I won’t,” I promise her.

“The panic attacks were a little harder. I saw a school counselor for a bit and talked to my friends about it, but the thing that helped the most was getting away from there and them. Getting away and then forcing myself to face my childhood.”

We’re silent for a few moments and then she clears her throat.

“Listen, about what happened at breakfast…”

“I get it,” I say, cutting her off. “There are no hard feelings?”

“Okay,” she says with a frown and she looks a little confused.

“I get that I’m not the guy that girls fall for.”

She looks shocked at that and I shift, getting ready to get out of the car and away from this conversation.

“I want you, Heath,” she says, her hand grabbing my forearm before I can escape.

“What?” I ask, whipping around to face her.

“I want you. You’re hot and funny. You can be sweet when you’re not trying to be such a porcupine.”

I scowl at that reference and she laughs.


I sit back in my seat as she bites her bottom lip and thinks of how to word what she has to say next.

“But I need this job. Like I really need it.”

We stare at each other and I don’t know who moves first but one second, I think that we’re about to get out of the car and put this behind us and the next, we’re all over each other.

Her lips land on mine and I take over. Her full lips soften as my tongue sweeps inside her mouth, tasting her kiss and drowning in her flavor.

Her hands are in my hair, trying to pull me closer and my hands go for her hips. We should have waited until we were inside. Her car is too small and there’s no room to really explore her or to get as close as I want to.

I bite back a frustrated growl and fist my hands in her hair, angling her head so that I can plunder her mouth deeper.

She moans, the sound vibrating through her and into me. It has my cock hardening painfully in my jeans and I know that I need to get her inside and naked under me soon or I’m going to lose my mind.
