Page 46 of The Rule Breaker

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He climbs over me, and presses his lips to mine, and the next thing I know, I’m naked and he’s moving inside me. We hold each other tight, and as my heart pounds hard in my chest and my emotions take a rollercoaster ride, I make the decision to talk to him. First thing tomorrow, I’m going to open up, tell him I don’t want this hook-up to end. Although I’m not sure he’s up for a ready-made family, a big brother and big daddy is one thing, but taking on a family full time is something else entirely.

I push that from my thoughts, and concentrate on the pleasure building inside me, and before I know it, we both climax, and my eyes slip shut as we hold one another. He pulls out of me, cleans us up and pulls me against his warm body. His soft sounds fill the room as he sleeps and my eyes creep open as thoughts once again invade, beat against my brain, and I stare at the ceiling for a very long time before I finally succumb to sleep. When I wake, I reach across the bed, only to find it empty. I jackknife up and check the time. I stifle a yawn and throw my feet over the bed as I call out to Liam, but the house is silent.

I pull on the sweats I wore last night, and a T-shirt and head downstairs. I search the counter for a note, but find none. I snatch my phone from the counter, and read a text from Liam, letting me know he had to run out and I was sleeping so soundly he didn’t want to wake me. A small smile pulls at me and I guess we’ll have to wait until later to have that talk.

I make a pot of coffee, and wander through his house drinking it. Someone raps on the door, and my heart jumps, only to realize it’s not Liam coming home because he wouldn’t knock on his own damn door. I hurry across the room and pull open the door, and the second I see who’s on the steps, I nearly drop my coffee mug. I falter back a bit, my brain rushing to catch up.

“What…what do you want?”

“Now, is that any way to greet me?” Devon says, and opens his arms wide like he expects me to jump into them as he tries to look past my shoulders.

I square my shoulders and put on my best kick-ass face, not that I have a kick-ass face, but no way am I going to let him think he’s intimidating me, even though he is. “You need to go.”

His smirk raises the hair on the back of my neck. “Can’t an old friend come by and say hello?”

“We are not friends, and if you don’t leave, I’ll call the police.”


?Aww, come on, Harper.” He angles his head and a sick feeling swirls in my stomach as his gaze drops to take me in like I’m a juicy steak. “Don’t be like that.” I go to shut the door, and he puts his foot out to stop it. “Just wanted to come by and see the nice set-up you have.”

My heart beats a little faster, and I shake my head. How did I not see what a creep this guy really was? How did I let him into my life—Gavin’s life—and think he was one of the good guys? God, I am such a bad judge of character.

“Where’s your sugar daddy?” he asks.

“He’s not my sugar daddy.”

“Maybe not, and maybe he’s not who you think he is.”

I stare at him, hating the doubt he’s putting in my head, that he could so quickly make me doubt Liam. I’ve admitted numerous times that I was a bad judge of character, but I’m not wrong about Liam. He is one of the good ones. I’m sure of it.

“We’re friends,” I shoot back.

His smirk widens. “Is that why you’re wearing his clothes?”

“What do you want?” I glare at him, and hate the way my hand is shaking as I hold my coffee cup. “You took everything I had, Devon. I have nothing left to give.”

“We’ll see,” he says and pulls his foot back. I slam the door shut, and nearly collapse against it. Goddammit! He clearly saw the picture, and here he is, just like I expected, sniffing around looking for…something. I wish I could have seen through his façade before I let him into my life, before he charmed his way into my bank account. At least with Liam, I know it’s not my money he’s after. I don’t have any. He’s not using me for anything, and I never should have dragged him into my life. Maybe I should just pick up my son and stay as far away from Liam as possible. He doesn’t need my troubles. I pinch my eyes shut and shake my head because running away means loss for Gavin, and I swore when I got involved with Liam, I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize his relationship with my son. Now I’m left with two choices. Run and forget this ever happened, severing what I think is blossoming and risk ruining things between Liam and Gavin—which will protect Liam, but hurt Gavin. Or stay and take a chance that what’s between us is the real deal, which could either be the best thing ever.

What the hell am I going to do?



For the last week, I’ve been crazy busy, running around town with my buddy Cole, and making real estate appointments. Harper seemed a bit suspicious about my sudden absence, leaving the house early, coming in late, but the truth is, she’s been acting a bit strange herself, and I’m not sure why. When I came home that morning after leaving her in bed, she seemed upset, perturbed by something, but she brushed it off as work. I wasn’t so sure, but she didn’t seem like she wanted me to press, so I let it go.

Maybe it was nothing more than her trying to hide my birthday ‘surprise party’ at Nina’s house. Afterward, I plan to open up to Harper and show her exactly what I’ve been up to. I just hope I’m not reading things wrong here, and she wants what I want. I can’t leave here next week without laying it all on the line and proving to her that we’d have an amazing future together.

“So, we’re just getting out for a drive, huh? You wanted to see the Great Wheel?” I ask, knowing full well she’s driving around town to throw me off and that we’ll be headed to Cole’s any second now.

“Yeah, it’s just been a long time,” she says as she maneuvers her car through the streets, insisting on driving, even though any second now I’m worried about the muffler or something a little more important falling off the vehicle. “You’ve been so distracted lately, I thought it would be nice to do something fun.”

I can almost hear the question in that statement, asking me why I’ve been so distracted, but I can’t tell her. That would ruin the surprise.

“You’ve been a bit distracted yourself.”

“Work,” she says so quickly, her usual answer, and I try not to dwell on it or let the past invade my brain and send me down the rabbit hole. She’s nothing like the women who hang out at the rink, and is not looking for anything from me.

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