Page 12 of The Rule Breaker

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“Nope.” Gavin grabs the seat belt and snaps himself in.

Liam winks at him. “So smart,” he says, and Gavin just beams under his compliment.

Liam opens the passenger door for me. “Do you need a boost up too?”

“I’m not that short.” He just snickers, because yeah, I am short. I lift my leg, struggle a bit, and the next thing I know, his big hands span my ribcage, and he helps me in. I settle into the seat, barely able to spare him a glance as the heat from his fingers careens through my blood and settles deep between my legs.

Maybe my friends are right. Maybe I should brush off the ‘beaver-can’t do’ and have a little fun with this guy. Would that affect his relationship with Gavin? Yeah, it probably would, and Gavin always has to come first.

When do you get to come first?

Oh, when I use my vibrator. That thought brings a small smile to my face, and I can’t seem to take my eyes off Liam as he circles the front of his big truck and jumps into the driver’s seat.

“This thing is huge,” I say, and bite my tongue before I comment on my own observations with something like that’s what she said.

“It’s not so bad,” he says and starts the ignition. “What do you drive?”

“Just a small car,” I say. One that’s been going for years and is held together with duct tape and a prayer. But he doesn’t need to know any of that.

He pulls into traffic and heads north. “My place isn’t too far from the rink. I’ll change fast.” I nod, and as he stares straight ahead, I take in his profile, and the scars on his face. It’s not fair for a guy to be that good looking. No, what’s not fair is a guy that good looking and I can never hook up. Right?

I sit back in comfort, as he adjusts the mirror. “Hey Gavin, there’s going to be some kids at the rink too, and maybe next time we can bring Holden.”

I don’t need to turn to know his eyes are wide. “That will be fun. Holden is my best friend.”

“I know.” He turns to me and winks, keeping the secret that Cole will be there. A few minutes later, we pull off the main road and head toward the expensive area of town. We pass by mansions and he pulls up to his house.

“Wow,” Gavin says from the back seat, mimicking what I feel inside.

“You live here?”

“Yeah, you want to come in for a minute?”

I reach for my buckle, wanting to get a glimpse into this man’s life. “It’s huge,” I say again, and bite the inside of my cheek, because suddenly no matter what I say, it sounds sexual in my stupid lust-induced brain. But that’s because I had to endure sitting next to a man oozing pheromones the whole drive here.

“Yeah, it’s big for one person.”

He goes quiet, a hint of sadness in his eyes as he pulls his key from his pocket. Gavin jumps down from the back seat. We follow Liam up to the door and he opens it and gestures for us to enter.

Gavin runs in. “This is bigger than my school.”

Liam ruffles Gavin’s hair. “Go ahead and look around if you like. I’m just going to get changed.”

He takes off upstairs, and I stand there, not know

ing where to start. “Mommy, look. He has a huge TV.”

I follow Gavin into the living room and glance around. The place is actually cozy, pictures on the wall, and throw blankets on the sofa. It seems to have a woman’s touch to it. Was it professionally decorated, or did he have one of his many girlfriends help him pull it together for him? Not that it’s any of my business. I don’t really care. One thing I do care about though, is the bookshelf, and all the colorful spines. He really is a reader, and I’m honestly shocked by that. As Gavin marvels at the too big TV, something that reminds me we really are from different worlds, I take a peek at the books and pull out a crime novel. I grin, loving that this guy is a reader. Or maybe the books are just for show, to impress the ladies.

“See something you like?” Liam asks from behind.

I spin, and as soon as I see him standing there in his low-slung jeans and dry T-shirt that accentuates broad shoulders and a hard body, one thought hits. I want to sleep with my son’s big brother, which sounds wrong, dirty and completely inappropriate.

I open my mouth about to tell him just that, when one working brain cell pings me.

Don’t do it, Harper. Close your mouth. Walk away. Don’t give the wrong idea, or the right idea, or let him think what’s about to come out of your mouth next has nothing to do about the book in your hand and everything about the guy standing before you.

I take a deep breath and let my gaze rake over his body as I slowly release it. “Yeah, I do.”

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