Page 10 of The Rule Breaker

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“Not funny,” I say. I wipe my face with the back of my hand, but only manage to get soap in my eye. I swear to God this man has only ever seen me when I was in a rush, harried, shocked, or full of soap. In other words, he’s only ever seen me at my worst. I honestly can’t remember the last time I primped for anything. These days involve boys and dogs, and they don’t care what I look like. I’m sure Liam doesn’t either. I see the girls he goes after. All gorgeous and model thin.

But you saw the lust in his eyes when he looked at you, Harper.

Maybe he wants to go slumming for a change. “God, that stings.” I turn the nozzle to my face to wash my eye out and the next thing I know, Liam is right beside me, standing in the shower, getting himself wet as he places a paper towel over my burning eyeball.

“This should help.” He holds the compress to my eyelid until it stops hurting, and when I finally open it, I let my gaze fall from his handsome face, and take pleasure in his snug shirt and body-hugging jeans that show thick thigh muscles. Damn, how is it possible that in two days he became hotter?

“You’re all wet,” I say and gulp, because damn, that came out sounding far too sexual.

“You are too.”

Oh, he has no idea.

“I have a spare change of clothes, you don’t.”

“I do at home. I guess I can make a quick stop.”

I sigh, and turn the hose back on Charlie. “If you want to go change, we can reschedule.” Gavin will be disappointed, but Liam can’t take him out while soaked.

“Nah, it’s just water. It’s a nice day and I’ll dry. You still want to go to the rink, Gavin?”

“Yes!” he squeals.

“Okay well, you’re not going to the rink like that.” I point to his wet pants. “Your clothes will freeze on you.”

“You’re probably right. Gavin, do you mind if we stop at my place for a change of clothes first, and I have a surprise for you.”

“I like surprises.”

r />

I finish with Charlie, wrap him in a big towel and dry him.

“So, this is Charlie, huh?” He rubs Charlie’s head and when he leans in too close, he gets a big tongue across the face. “Nice to meet you too, boy.”

I like that he’s not angry or disgusted. My ex hated—wait, no I am not going to think about him. It’s a lovely Sunday afternoon, and after Liam takes Gavin to the rink, I plan to do…nothing. That almost makes me laugh. I have a whole afternoon to myself, and you’d think I’d be looking forward to that. I mean, I have a million things I could do, mainly clean the house, prep meals, laundry. Seriously though, none of that sounds like a great way to spend a Sunday. Sundays are supposed to be fun days.

“What are you doing after this?” Liam asks. Jeez, did he just read my mind or something?

“I think there is a book with my name on it.”

His eyes light. “You like to read?”

“Yeah, why, do you?” I ask, and he frowns. It’s an easy question. I’m not sure why it’s stumping him.

“I don’t get to read as much as I used to. What kind of books do you like?” he asks.

“Charlie, my boy. Look at you,” Mr. Lancaster says as he walks to the back of the pet store, his cane banging on the tile. “How’s my handsome boy?” He glances at me. “He didn’t give you any trouble, did he?”

“He was the perfect gentleman as always,” I tell him. His smile lights up his face, and the lines around his eyes crinkle. He lost his wife a couple years back and Charlie is his pride and joy. “I wanted to talk to you about his diet, though.”

“My boy’s not fat, he’s just big boned.”

Liam and I both laugh at that, and Mr. Lancaster turns, and his hand goes to his chest when he recognizes Liam.

“My Lord, you’re Liam Dalton.”

“Nice to meet you,” Liam says, and Gavin jumps from one foot to the other, anxious to go.

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