Page 51 of Lost In You

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For the first time, he looked directly at his mother. Caught her hand in his. “Thank you. For watching over her.”

She smiled. “Me? I merely rocked and listened to the rain. It’s comfortable now and then to sit together in silence. It can bring great thoughts.” She brushed him with a kiss. “And great serenity. You should try it. You might find comfort in the voices that fill the quiet.”

Conor returned the chaste kiss. “I know what those voices say. They seek justice.”

Niamh frowned. “They seek peace. Can you give it to them?”

As if refusing to acknowledge his mother’s wisdom, Conor focused back on Ellery. “I came as soon as I could.”

She put out a hand. Withdrew it. “I needed to see you. To know you were safe.”

“I know.”

He’d heard her call. And he’d come. The fluttering steadied into a pulse-pounding beat of excitement. “Simon came so close,” she said.

“I’d never let him harm you.”

And Ellery knew he spoke truth. Conor would die before he let Simon hurt her. The idea that he cared that much what happened to her was dizzying and at the same time sobering. A deep bond lashed them together. Made them solid. Stronger. Yet Asher had used a similar bond against Conor once before. Could their fragile relationship be a weapon in the demon’s hands as well? A chill shivered up her back. “I meant you. Simon almost killed you.”

He looked surprised, then somber. “I won’t let my guard down again.”

“Good night,

my children.” They both looked up at the closing of the door.

“Your mother—”

“Has gone to bed. And so should you. I’ll see you in the morning.” The weight of his gaze was frightening. “There are things we have to discuss. But not tonight.”

“No.” She rocked up onto her knees, tossing the quilts aside. Grabbed his arm. “No. Don’t leave.”

He looked down at the grip she had on his sleeve, his expression unreadable.

She pulled back, confused. “Oh, God. I’m making a mess of everything again. Go. Go change. You’re all wet. And—and dripping.”

“You’re still frightened from what happened. It’s reasonable.” His voice held infinite patience as if he spoke to a small child. Was it possible to want to kiss someone and hit them all at the same time?

Tension and fear had held her together this far. The release of both freed her mind and her mouth. She snapped, “You think tonight was any more frightening than anything else that’s happened to me since I met you?”

“It was for me.” He fell into the chair his mother had just vacated. Ran a hand down his face. “Damn it, Ellery. I was moments from losing you.”

Hope burst through her, but she wouldn’t let it take hold. Not yet. “And that mattered to you?”

He looked at her like she was insane. “I’ve brought you into this. I’ll see you’re protected until it’s over.”

So much for hope. “That’s not what I asked. But it’s an answer, isn’t it?”

Why wouldn’t he say it? Why couldn’t he say that he cared for her? That somewhere between her kitchen in Carnebwen and here, things had changed between them.

He stood up and paced to the window. Stared out into the rain.

What did he see in that darkness that lay hidden to her? “I haven’t got the reliquary anymore,” she said. “Why does Asher want me?”

Conor spoke without turning around. His voice was dull. Tired. “I don’t know. Mayhap Simon thought you knew where it was hidden. Mayhap Asher thought to punish me through hurting you.”

She got out of bed. Crossed to his side. “But how would he know that my capture would do that? He’s not omniscient. He can’t know what I don’t know myself.”

He whipped around. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
