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“Old people like Yahtzee, babe.” Will flips the sheet in his hand. “Did you—” his eyes move to Nick. “Did she print these off the Internet?”

“She did,” Nick confirms.

“Pitiful,” Will mutters.

“Hey!” I slap the dice into the middle of the table. “This is a great game. I’ll prove it by whooping your ass.”

My challenge has Will straightening in his chair. “You think, do ya?”

“I know.”

“Game on. I’ll wipe the floor with you, babe.”

I can tell Nick doesn’t like it when Will calls me babe, but I have a feeling Will is doing it to push Nick. Why he’d want to do that, I have no idea. These two have a weird friendship and I’m not about to try dissecting it for sense.

Instead, I reach for a die from the middle of the table. “Highest roll goes first.”

Two male hands lift a die, and we all roll. I cheer, because I got a six so I’m already feeling lucky against Will’s one.

We play until two-thirty in the morning, and I win every round. Will is a sore loser, because he’d prefer to accuse me of cheating than congratulate me on my Yahtzee fineness. Still, when my eyes feel as though they’re about to fall from my head, I start to clear the table.

“I don’t know how you guys are still going. I feel like I’m going to fall asleep in a cookie.” Will chuckles, but Nick begins helping me clear the table. When that’s done, I turn to Will and declare, “Let’s make you a bed on the couch, shall we?”

“I’m good.”

I frown. “You’re good?”

“Spent more than a few nights on that couch, babe. Know where I can find a blanket.”

“Oh, well, let me find you a pillow.” I turn and stutter-step, because I realize I don’t know where the pillows are.

Will chuckles as Nick watches me with dark, intense eyes. My skin burns.

“Know where the pillows are too,” Will tells me. “Though I figure I’m too drunk to care if I have one tonight or not.”

“Won’t feel that way in the morning,” Nick warns him.

“Yeah.” Will claps a hand over the back of his neck as he moves into the living room, dropping onto the couch and tugging the throw over his torso, legs poking out. “I’m good at regretting things in the morning. Nothing new here, man.”

Nick chuckles, but I’m frowning—because again—I seriously think Will and Katie would click. Probably too well.

“Okay.” I turn to Nick when Will begins to snore. The man just hit the couch and he’s already snoring. It takes me a solid half hour of tossing and turning on a good night to slip into sleep and this man just hits a couch and it’s lights out? That’s so not fair. “Well, he’s out.”

“It would seem,” Nick agrees, then he closes one large hand around my small hand, and tugs me to the stairs, flicking off the lights as we go.

When he guides me to the stairs rather than down the hall I’ve been traveling, I feel myself frown. I hope the bed upstairs is as comfortable as the one I’ve been sleeping in, because the one I’ve been in so far feels like I’m sleeping on a cloud. And the duvet is like being held by—by angel wings. It’s heaven. Pure bliss.

“You okay?”

My eyes bounce from the dark hall to the dark man before me. “What? I mean—yes. I’m—I’m fine.”

His brows knit. “You were pouting.”

My brows snap high. “I wasn’t.”

“You were.”

“Nooo.” I shake my head in firm denial. “I wasn’t.”
