Page 58 of Darkest Retribution

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“None of your business,” David snaps. “Just do what you’re told. As far as I know, the Graysons don’t have any extra properties, so they’re probably staying at a hotel somewhere. I already tried hacking into Dominic’s computer and couldn’t. And there’s no paper trail at his brother’s house. You’re going to have to get him to open up and tell you.”

“How the hell am I supposed to do that?”

“Figure it out,” David snaps. “I need the information by tomorrow night.”

The line goes dead.

I groan, placing my phone back on my nightstand. What the hell am I supposed to do? I’ve seen Dominic’s alarm system. Hell, he’s the head of a security company. Breaking into his place will be too risky.

So what am I supposed to do? Seduce him, wear him out until he falls asleep, and then sneak around his house?

The thought feels slimy. I don’t want to manipulate Dominic. When I disappear, I’m already going to be hurting him enough. If I add betrayal on top of that, what type of person does that make me?

You already know you’re not a good one. Just do it. It’s him or Rosie.

I glance at my phone again. It’s a little after eight, which means Dominic is already on his way to work. There’s no way I can break into his house and guarantee I won’t get caught, which only leaves one other option.

As a plan starts forming in my head, I throw back my blankets and get up. If I’m going to get David his information by tomorrow, I don’t have time to spare.

. . .

Sometimes, confidence is all you need to get yourself into places you shouldn’t be. Well, confidence, a good outfit, and a clipboard.

That’s what I tell myself as I strut into Grayson Security, my heels clicking on the tiled floor. My look is strategic—a sleek black pencil skirt and a white blouse with my hair pulled up into a smart, smooth bun.

There are only a few people in the front lobby. The receptionist’s desk is empty—I made sure to arrive a few minutes after noon, hoping they’d be on their lunch break. Luck is on my side today.

I hold my clipboard to my chest, surveying the room with what I hope is a judgmental expression. Then, as I make my way toward a hallway, I pretend to write something with a frown.

The few people I pass barely give me a glance. You’d think there’d be better security at a fuckingsecurity company,but that’s the thing about clipboards, confidence, and good outfits. They make you invincible.

I only have a little trouble finding Dominic’s office. That’s where my luck runs out, unfortunately. He’s at his desk, an empty fork in his hands, while he glares at his computer.

So much for this being easy. Of course he takes a working lunch.

I knock on his door, even though it’s open, before stepping inside.

“Can it wait?” he says, tiredness bleeding into his voice. He stabs at the food in front of him.

Guilt pangs in my chest. How late was he up dealing with Simon’s body and the mess in my bathroom? He sounds exhausted. Hell, he looks it too, if the bags under his eyes mean anything.

Instead of answering, I shut his door, leaning against it. His head snaps up, and when he spots me, his fork freezes halfway to his mouth.

“Jade. What are you doing here? Wait, how—you shouldn’t’ve been allowed back here.”

I grin, dangling my clipboard from my fingers as I step up to his desk. “No one stopped me. Guess I look too important.”

“You look...” He lets out a low sound, drinking in the way my skirt hugs my hips. “Like heaven in a pair of heels. Fuck.”

I lock his door, and at the telltaleclick,his eyes darken. My goal was to look through his office while he was at lunch, but I had a backup plan in case this happened.

“Undo your pants.” I move around his desk until I’m standing right next to his chair. Slowly, I trace my fingers over the exposed skin of his neck, right above his collar.

He groans. “Jade, I have stuff to do. Anyone could knock on the door.”

I lean down, biting lightly at his earlobe. “Tell me you haven’t thought of this,” I whisper. “That you haven’t fantasized about fucking me over your desk, or me sucking your cock while you work.”

“Shit.” He grabs me and pulls me onto his lap. “We can’t make a habit of this. I told you, no one can know—”

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