Page 32 of Darkest Retribution

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Ignore me again, and there will be consequences.

Is that why she’s upset? My hand slows, resting on Jade’s lower back. Just as I’m about to ask if she’s in some sort of trouble, she shakes her head, letting her hands fall to the counter.

With a sigh, Jade glances down at herself and groans. She’s in a tank top and shorts, not even wearing a bra, and it’s probably the least amount of clothing I’ve ever seen her in. Yet I don’t find myself aroused at all. Instead, the only thing on my mind is worry for her wellbeing.

“I’m sorry,” she says. “I didn’t expect you to come inside.”

“Hey, at least you didn’t try to kill me this time. I prefer a ‘thank you’ when I do my neighbors a favor, not an attack from behind.”

She laughs, and the relief that spreads through my chest at the sound is undeniable. Then she straightens, and my hand falls from her back. Amusement and mischief sparkle in her eyes as she smiles up at me. “Don’t get too comfortable. If I hadn’t seen the clean kitchen first, I probably would’ve assumed you were an intruder again.”

There’s the sass I’ve come to love.

“Clean your kitchen if I ever want to break into your house. Got it.”

She snorts.

“Where did you learn to choke me out like that, anyway? To be honest, I really didn’t expect that from you.”

She raises an eyebrow as some of the hardness returns to her expression. “A lot of people have made the mistake of underestimating me, grumpy. Don’t be one of them. Besides, it’s the twenty-first century. What woman doesn’t have a few self defense moves up her sleeve?”

I lean in a tiny bit more, inhaling the minty scent of Jade’s toothpaste as well as the sweet smell of her shampoo. “That’s fair, I suppose. But tell me—was it one of your top one hundred accomplishments? Almost taking me down so easily?”

She laughs. “No. Not even close.”

Why am I not surprised?

The way Jade had her arm around me that night felt like it was a natural position for her to assume. Like she’s used it in real life a thousand times, not just during a self defense class.

Or maybe you’re reading into things too much.

“Was your nap okay?”

“Honestly? I’m embarrassed at how well I slept. I can’t believe you carried me up the stairs and I didn’t wake up at all.”

I almost correct her, but then I stop myself. Maybe it’s best she doesn’t remember the little conversation we had after I put her to bed. “Rosie told me you’re in pain a lot.”

Her face falls, and she glances behind me, looking into the living room. “Was she worried? I don’t want her feeling bad. It’s a lot for a kid to handle.”

“No, no. She was fine. I guess... maybe I’m worried.”

For a moment, she watches me, and I’d give anything to know what’s going on in that head of hers. But I don’t want to make her uncomfortable, either.

“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

She takes a deep breath, releasing it slowly. “I started having some chronic pain and fatigue issues a few years ago. Still trying to get a diagnosis. It makes keeping up with housework hard sometimes.”

“I’d imagine,” I murmur. “Are you in pain right now?”

Avoiding my gaze, she says, “I fell last night. It’ll take me a week or two before the pain dies back down. So yeah, I am. But it’s nothing I can’t manage.”

“Do you need anything? Pain meds? A hot bath? Or—”

She presses a finger to my lips, and the touch shocks me into silence. “I can handle myself, grumpy. I appreciate you cleaning, really, I do. And everything you do for Rosie—for teaching her how to ride her bike, for always being so patient, for watching her the other night. It means a lot. But...”

“But what?”

“I guess I don’t understand. You have a life. You said you’re trying to find someone who doesn’t want to be found, which sounds pretty time consuming. Hell, you’re the CEO of Grayson Security.” She ends there, like that explains everything she’s thinking.

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