Page 104 of Darkest Retribution

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Relief hits my chest so hard I almost fall to my knees.She’s alive.

I step closer to the door I heard Rosie’s voice from. If she’s going to make it out of this situation still breathing, I need to keep it together.

“Just stay quiet,” David snaps.

As inconspicuously as I can, I peek into the room. It looks like some kind of library, with shelves lining the walls and a few standing in the middle of the room. David is pacing back and forth while Rosie sits on the floor, cradling her stuffed unicorn.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” A gruff voice sounds from behind me.


Someone grabs the hair at the back of my neck, dragging me into the library and forcing me to the ground. I grab one of his fingers, pushing back until he cries out and lets me go. Just as I’m about to kick out his knees, I hear David say, “Move one more inch, and she dies.”

I freeze. David is pointing a gun at Rosie, a smirk on his face.

“Of course you got your hands on Landon’s gun. Hand it over.”

Slowly, I give it to the man who dragged me in here. He grunts, snatching it from my hands with unnecessary force.

“Grant, find Shane,” David says. “I want both of you guarding this door. Don’t move unless I tell you to.”

Grant leaves, but not before jamming his boot into my side.


David steps toward me, crouching down just out of reach. He’s still pointing his gun at Rosie, who’s sobbing into her unicorn.

“Let me guess—instead of killing Dominic and his friends, you decided to take things into your own hands.”

I stay silent.

David throws his head back and laughs. It’s a cold, bitter sound. “You went and fell for him, didn’t you? I suppose it’s half of the reason I put you in that house. But damn, Jade. You’ve gotten so predictable.”

I clench my fists. “You’re ridiculous,” I snap. “Absolutely ridiculous! And you’re not getting away with this. You may think you have the upper—”

“Enough,” he shouts.

Good. Get angry, you asshole.

“Enough?” I spit back. “Enough?!I’m done with you telling me what to do, David. For years, I’ve bent over backward for you. You ordered, I obeyed. You took, I gave. And I’m fuckingdone.Rosie is mine, and I swear to god, if you don’t let her go, Iwillkill you.”

He laughs, waving his gun around before pointing it at my head. But he won’t shoot. “You think you have any power in this situation? You stupid girl.”

He’s yelling now, thank god. There’s no way Dom, Felix, and Willow won’t hear.

Rosie’s sobs get louder. “Daddy, I want to go home.”

David steps forward, grabbing the collar of my jacket and yanking. He drags me to Rosie before shoving me to the floor. “Shut her up or I’ll put a bullet in her head.”

I’d make some remark about what a terrible father he is, but it’s nothing he hasn’t heard before. So I pull Rosie into my lap, wrapping my arms around her shivering body. “Sweetie—hey, honey, I know you’re scared. But everything is going to be okay. I promise.”

Just then, two loudbangssound from below us. Rosie jumps, clinging to me.

Please be okay, Dom.

It’s pointless begging—he can’t hear me, and even if he could, it wouldn’t change what happened. But I can’t help it.

David whirls to glare at me. “YouenlistedDominic’s help, didn’t you? You fucking idiot.” He turns his back, pulling out his phone with his free hand. The gun is still pointed in my general vicinity, but his focus is split between us and whatever message he’s typing out.

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