Page 10 of Darkest Retribution

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My jaw drops. “Tenthousanddollars?!”

That’s more than enough to reach my goal. And then everything else I make can be a little nest egg for when Rosie and I start our new lives.

Jesus. I knew this guy was rich, but I didn’t realize he wasrichrich.

Mike nods.

“I can make that work. But it stays between us, okay?”

He lets out a relieved sigh. “Thank you, Jade. Really.”

I laugh, and for the first time all night, it’s not forced. “Thankyou, Mike.”

. . .

The rest of my shift is the same old, same old. By the time I get home, my body is aching, but between the tips I got tonight and the money Mike is paying me for next weekend, I’m feeling pretty good.

I slip into the house, shutting the door quietly. Ashley spends the night whenever I work so Rosie isn’t alone. The guest room is on the first floor, so I always try to make the least amount of noise possible.

On occasion, she’ll still be awake when I get home. Life of a college student, I suppose. So I’m not surprised when the living room light is still on. What does surprise me, though, is the large, male form that’s sitting on the couch.

I freeze. He’s too big to be David, but every once in a while he sends one of his men to check up on me. Never this late, though—unless it’s to threaten me. But David usually likes to do that himself.

On instinct, I reach for my gun before remembering I don’t have it on me.Fuck.

The man stands. He knows I’m here. There’s no way he wouldn’t’ve heard the garage door opening and closing when I pulled my car in.

Fine, then. I’ll take him out without a weapon. It’s not like I can’t.

It’d be a whole hell of a lot easier if I wasn’t in pain, though.

He’s still facing away from me, so at least there’s that. I get a running start, padding through the kitchen and into the open living room. Just as he reaches into his pocket, I jump onto his back, hooking my right arm around his neck and tucking my hand into my left elbow. With my left hand on the back of his neck, I squeeze.

He stumbles backward into the kitchen, letting out a surprised grunt. “Jade,” he wheezes.

That voice.

It takes me a second to recognize it.

Then my eyes go wide.

I’m choking out Dominic Grayson.

I’m choking out my fucking neighbor.

Wait. Why is Dom in my house?

He lets out a strangled sound.

Shit. He’s going to pass out.

I loosen my hold. Instantly, I’m flying through the air, and then I land on my back on the kitchen floor. Dominic pins me down, breathing hard.

“Jesus Christ, woman. What was that for?”

“What do you mean,what was that for?What the fuck are you doing in my house? It’s almost three in the morning!”

I could easily get out of his grip, especially since he’s holding my wrists with one hand, but I have no desire to let Dominic know how easily I could best him in a fight. It’d lead to too many questions I don’t want to answer. So I pretend to struggle, letting out a high pitched grunt and squirming underneath him.

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