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Out of my shit-show of a life, out of living in my car, out of my dead-end job…

Out of everything.

The penny landed in the water with the tiniest plop, and I watched it sink.

A long, silent moment passed.

My heart clenched.

I shouldn’t have let myself wish. Wishing could be detrimental to my—

In the blink of an eye, the water fountain exploded.

Water shot in every direction, spraying from the damn thing like it was an erupting volcano. And along with the water, came the men.

Almost half a dozen of them, each of them massive and scarred. They had different skin colors, different hair colors, different tattoos, and different clothing—but they all towered over me, with the kind of muscles that people didn’t justhave. Their ears were long and pointed. That, coupled with the size of them, and the way they’d burst out of the fountain, told me one thing:

They weren’t human.

Or from Earth, if I had to guess.

Their chests heaved, water dripping off of them as their gazes scanned the outside hallway of the strip mall. And one by one, their attention landed onme.


“Fuck,” Linsey squeaked.

I took one step backward, and it was like I’d broken a silent wall.

“Her,” one of the men growled.

Fuckinggrowled, like an animal.

As one, they lunged for me.

I wasn’t fast enough.

No one would’ve been fast enough.

In a heartbeat, one of them had me in his arms and was hauling me back into the fountain, which was still spraying water like a damned fire hydrant.

I didn’t have the time—or the energy—to scream. Water sprayed me and then engulfed me.

The strong arm around my abdomen was a metal bar, dragging me under the water. The world turned, my stomach flipped, and my lungs burned.

I wondered if the inhuman men had captured me only to drown me.

But finally, when I started seeing stars, we burst back through the water.

I was set on my feet on some kind of brown sand as I sucked in air, desperate relief flooding my veins. My clothes were soaked and glued to my body, but wherever I was, it was hot enough that I was sweating rather than shivering.

I was alive, so it was fine. I’d keep telling myself that, at least.

Sure, I’d been taken into a fountain, which had apparently transported me into some other place. Maybe even another world.

And sure, I was surrounded by gigantic men who looked like they could kill me with a flick of their pinkies, but—

Okay, what the hell was I doing, trying to be positive about the situation?
