Page 118 of Sapphire Scars

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I take the flask and have a modest sip, knowing what it’ll be before it even hits my tongue. I have to control my laughter so as not to spit out the mouthful of lemon soda.

I swallow and shake my head. “He knows me well.”

“Then you’re one of the lucky ones,” Milana says, gliding a hand over my belly without the faintest bit of jealousy.

I haven’t brought up the day in the medical wing again. Milana made it clear that she didn’t want to discuss it, and I intend to respect that. Even if she deserves the chance to fall apart in the arms of someone who cares about her. She hasn’t said so, but I know she appreciates my willingness to pretend like I didn’t see her at her most vulnerable moment.

I bite my lip. “Milana… I might need to pee.”

She laughs. “Well, you are pregnant. I suppose it’s to be expected.”

“Urgh,” I groan. “I just put the dress on. Wait—hold on. False alarm, I think.”

“Are you sure?”

I nod. “I think so. How long do I have ‘til show time?”

“I’ll go check. But not more than twenty minutes or so.” She heads for the door, her cape swishing in the soft breeze floating in from the partially open French doors of my balcony.

I’m starting to get nervous. But it’s more excited nerves than anything else. “Milana?” I say quickly, before she can shut the door behind her.


“How is he?”

She smiles. “Handsome and confident as always. You can’t crack that composure with Thor’s hammer.” I giggle, but she continues. “I think he’s a little nervous, but only because this is so important.”

I exhale slowly. “Thank you.”

She gives me a wink and closes the door with a sharp click. Right on cue, the bathroom door opens and Geneva walks out of the bathroom in her pale lavender chiffon dress and a scrunched-up expression on her face. “She gone?”

“Were you waiting for her to leave?”

“Duh. That woman freaks me out.”

I frown. “Why?”

“Because she works forhim. Something’s off about that relationship.”

“Nothing’s off about that relationship,” I snap defensively. “You’re not giving either one of them a fair shake.”

“Considering the first impressions they made, I don’t think I need to.” Then she seems to notice for the first time that I’m in my wedding dress. “Wow, Juju. You look amazing.”

I ignore the compliment. “Sit down, Genny. We need to talk.”

“Whoa, sounds serious. You gonna break up with me or something?” she asks. “Because I don’t think you have that option with siblings.”

“Just sit,” I say impatiently, conscious of the time. Sighing, she sits down on the edge of the bed and I join her there. “I know you don’t like Kolya, but he is going to be my husband.”

“I know,” Geneva sighs. “And you’re having his baby and—”

“That’s just the thing,” I say, placing my hand on her arm. “I’m not.”

Geneva freezes for a moment, her eyes flitting to my stomach before moving back up to my face. “I’m not sure I’m following. You are pregnant, aren’t you?”

I take a deep breath and a leap of faith at the same time. “The baby is Adrian’s, Genny,” I tell her.


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