Page 28 of Broken

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Wouldn’t it be grand if life was as simple as that? Mark your spot, begin again when you’re ready, no questions asked.

I don’t answer him. Instead, I take in the timbre of his voice. Deep and rough from non-use. Low and quiet, telling me he’s probably sitting up in bed beside Jules. Concern coats it, yearning, hope. I close my eyes and picture him, the blanket over his hips to accommodate the woman in bed beside him, who cowers under the covers like she’s hiding from monsters under the bed. He sleeps hot all year long. When he wakes though, only the sheet will cover him, I’m sure.

His breathing is even and slow, even though I feel like panting, my heart thundering out of my chest at the sound of his voice after so long without it.

“Are you going to talk to me?” he asks, now gentle and playful. “Or did you simply call to hear me breathe?”

“The latter, I think,” I tell him after a moment, ignoring the way my body flushes and swells at the sound of his voice.

“You should be sleeping, love. You have an eight-a.m. meeting.”

I start at that, shaking my head as if he’s landed a physical blow.

“Are you stalking me?” I ask him, not sure if I care either way. I should be furious, but my heart flutters and skips a beat in a horrifically traitorous way that he knows about my meeting. My voice certainly doesn’t sound like I’m upset, either. It matches his, tone for tone; soft, expectant, with a smile tugging at my lips.

“Kind of, yeah.” His voice hitches, deep and tight, and in my head, he scratches at his chest in that way he does when he’s embarrassed, but not really, because Justin doesn’t get embarrassed. More like an ‘ah shucks, you caught me.’ “You never took me off your calendar,” he admits, and I hear him smile freely now, even if his voice sounds sad. “I’m man enough to admit I spend a disgustingly obscene amount of time staring at it. Every notification I get with an addition or change makes my face light up like a kid in a candy store. Then I scowl at how much you’re working. It’s pathetic, to be honest.”

He chuckles lightly under his breath, self-deprecating at his admittance.

The silence fills the spaces between us, soft and at ease.

“I’m sorry,” I finally say.

I didn’t know I was going to say it until the words were tripping off my tongue. But I mean it, and I needed to say it.

I don’t need to explain any further than that. He knows what for. For everything, really. But for the ball, when I broke his trust and took advantage of his wife to make myself feel better. If only for a space between breaths, I did. My shattered soul ripped into thirds, gasped, and sighed in relief when, at last, a missing piece reunited to the whole.

It wasn’t worth it. It broke us even more. But I know in my heart I’d do it again, if only to feel Julia’s skin against mine.

“Me too,” he says, and I can hear the remorse in his voice. “If I were in either of your places, I probably would have done the same thing. Honestly, that’s one reason I was so mad. Jealousy makes people ugly, and I’m no exception. But…” My chest tightens at the way his voice seems to shift and expand, always so fucking expressive. “She’s hurting, Remi. Bad. What happened between you only made it worse. And seeing her like this and knowing that you aren’t any better, no matter what bullshit you try to spin, it’s killing me. I’m dying inside, knowing that you’re ripping us to shreds.

“I understand why you left. I do. I can’t tell you how many hours of therapy I’ve put in to make sure I understand how hard this is for you, or as much as my privileged white ass can. But, Remi, breaking our hearts isn’t the solution. Surely you see that by now? Just come home, and we’ll figure out everything else later.”

I don’t reply, and he doesn’t attempt to force me. Which in and of itself is a sign of how hard he’s trying. The Justin from before would have needled me until I caved or hung up on him screaming.

I want to come home. But it’s too late for that now.

The silence fills the void, heavier than before. It’s weighed down by everything Justin’s said, everything I haven’t, and everything that’s yet to be told.

“How did the dinner at your parents’ house go last week?”

He catches me off guard with the question, though honestly, with his confession that he’s been cyberstalking my calendar, it’s the first thing I should have expected.

“Poorly,” I tell him, unable or unwilling to clarify more. I’m sure my clipped and pain-filled tone of voice told him everything he needed to know and more. There’s no need for him to know that my father doesn’t hate all black, non-straight men. It’s only me he despises.

He lets the silence fill the space between us again until my breathing evens and my chest expands with every deep breath I take. A drowsy film covers my eyes, and I sink even farther into the pillows.

“I miss you,” I confess, my voice tight in my throat. It’s not so much a confession as a proclamation. I miss them so much it’s hard to breathe, and every day when I walk into the building I hate, surrounded by people I don’t know, it gets harder and harder to stay away.

There’s a hitch in his breathing, a sigh and a submittance. I wish I could see his face, as much as I’m glad he can’t see mine.

“You don’t have to. We’re right here, waiting for you. Come home, Remi.”

I’ve caused too much damage to hope to repair it now. Some things can’t be fixed. You have to knock it down and start over.

The ring on my finger sears into my skin, a silent acknowledgment that they are always with me, even if I can’t be with them.

“I love you. I know I shouldn’t say things like that to you. But I do.”
