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We both laugh nervously, and I continue, “But I am here if you need anything at all.”

“Thank you,” she squeezes my hand, and we sit back as Ivan joins us now that all the guests have arrived.

As we make our way through the meal, Anastasia, Arina, and I have a fun conversation about how men are all the same. We agree that they only want one thing. That the more ambitious they are, the more dangerous they are. They are all stubborn mules who never realize the women standing behind them get them so far in life.

Ivan raises his eyebrows at a few comments we giggle over, and I squeeze his hand.

The music starts, and everyone watches as Ivan takes his grandmother out for the first dance. Everyone applauds, and soon a few people join them.

I turn my attention back to Anastasia when I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up at Ivan.

“We should dance, as the head of the family,” he says.

“I can’t dance,” I say, worried. “Like I have three left feet and nine big toes and cannot dance.”

Ivan laughs heartedly, drawing more attention to us, but then he takes my hand. “We danced at the wedding. All you have to do is trust me and follow me.”

I swallow nervously as we walk into the center of the dance floor. A song starts, one I don’t know, but Ivan puts my hand on his shoulder and takes my other hand, placing his hand on my waist.

“Ready?” he whispers.

“Yes,” I say with a giggle.

He slowly starts to sweep me around. I lean against him, responding to the way he moves. I try my best at least, and several couples from the tables applaud.

“Look at me. Focus on me,” Ivan says, and I look into his loving eyes. He sweeps me around, and I feel like an absolute princess. It wasn’t until after the song ended that I realized everyone is watching us. I blush, but Ivan chuckles and takes me in his arms for another dance.

We spend the night dancing, talking, and laughing, and I get to know a few more of his family members who seem enamored with me. I thought my social awkwardness would be my undoing, but I find Ivan’s family easy to get along with.

We eventually get home, and I can’t help but admit that I’ve fallen for Ivan in a big way and that this is a very big problem. I wonder if I can stop Alessandro from screwing him. Maybe I can ask Alessandro to help me leave the country like Kira did, and I’ll raise our child overseas. The thought of leaving Ivan and raising our baby without a father makes my heart ache, and I don’t know what I’m going to do to fix this situation.

Chapter 20 - Ivan

Sweeping around the dance floor with Tori, watching her infectious laughter fill the room, and her intellect challenge others made me fall even harder for her. I’m head over heels, and I cannot deny it anymore.

It’s as though I can feel love again, like a piece of me that died with Mila has been resurrected. I feel as though Mila has given her blessing for me to move on, to start again, to love again, and feel warmth and happiness.

Tori is so much more than her shyness. Behind her shy smile and demeanor is a brilliant young woman who has ambition and can go far in life. She is not only intelligent but strong, and I know she is the perfect queen to rule by my side for the rest of our lives.

While I’m sitting outside sipping on my afternoon coffee, I toy with the idea of having more children. Am I too old? I imagine any children Tori and I make would be absolutely gorgeous, like Anastasia. I seem to pick women with good genes. I think about what I would do if I had a son, someone to inherit the family. Someone who would take over when I’m done. Someone who will be brilliant, well-read, and fun.

I hear footsteps and glance to my left. I see Leonid approaching and set my coffee down.

“Why are you so happy?” he asks curiously as he sits to my left.

I shake my head. “Just planning the future, and it looks good, my brother.”

“I wouldn’t get too excited about the future just yet,” Leonid says with a sigh. “You were right. There is a faction of men within the family that want to overthrow you.”

“Evgeni has planned to overthrow me?” I ask, feeling a heavy disappointment settle in my stomach. “My own cousin?”

“The only one I can think of at this point.” Leonid looks at me sadly. “But I can handle it. I will make our little problem go away.”

I shake my head. “No, I want to deal with this directly myself.”

“Ivan, you are the head of the family, you delegate. Don’t get your hands dirty over a traitor,” Leonid insists, but I shake my head again.

“I’ll ask Evgeni to come to speak to me. I’ll get to the bottom of this.”

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