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“Hey, little girl.” The prisoner’s deep voice was like two boulders rubbing together. “How about you take this blindfold off so we can get to know each other?”



“What?” Breenah was so startled at him addressing her directly, that she actually answered him before she could stop herself.

“I said take off this blindfold—let me see who captured me. At least give me that much,” the giant demanded.

Breenah knew she ought not to speak to him again—Meendy had said specifically that Mistress Work-worthy didn’t want her talking to him. But really, what harm could it do? After all, everyone else in the Compound was busy with their respective tasks—no one would ever know if she spoke to her prisoner or not.

“Why should I take off your blindfold?” she asked, taking a step closer to the Stasis Wheel where he was bound. “Give me one good reason I should even think of going against orders just because you want me to.”

“Because you’re curious,” was his strange reply. “Bet you’ve never seen a male before, have you, little one? Not if this is Griesha Prime, instead of Griesha Beta, which is what I was fucking aiming for.”

Breenah caught her breath.

“So you are a spy from Griesha Beta!” she exclaimed.

“Hell no, I’m not,” the giant growled. “I just had business there. But my nav-com got messed up a while ago in an electro-magnetic storm I flew through. Which is how I ended up crashing here—on a planet no male has dared to come to for well over a hundred and fifty cycles.”

“So…you didn’t mean to come to Griesha Prime?” Without realizing she was doing it, Breenah had somehow inched closer to the Stasis Wheel where the enormous giant was bound.

“Hell, no!” he growled. “Why would I want to come to your fucking Goddess-forsaken planet? I know well enough to steer clear—every male within three thousand light years does. So now that you know I’m here by accident, why don’t you take off this fucking blindfold so we can look in each other’s eyes while we talk?”

“You think I’m stupid?” Breenah demanded. “You think I’ll get close enough to let you try and attack me somehow?”

“Why the fuck would I want to attack you?” the giant demanded. “This is all one big fucking misunderstanding. If I attack you, I lose your trust and any chance I have of getting out of these fucking cuffs.” He rattled the Magno-manacles for emphasis. “Whereas if you take the blindfold off, maybe we can talk like two rational beings.”

“I’m not supposed to talk to you,” Breenah said, but somehow she found she had edged even closer to the Stasis Wheel and the giant prisoner.

“Yeah, I heard the other female telling you that,” he growled. “You always do what she says, then? Is she your boss?”

“Meendy is not my boss!” Breenah said indignantly. “She doesn’t tell me what to do—only Mistress Work-worthy or the other Superiors can do that. I’m the one in charge in the Guard Room—that’s where we are now,” she clarified.

“Well, seeing as how you’re the fucking boss of this room, why don’t you take off my blindfold so we can at least see each other,” he suggested.

Don’t do it—males can’t be trusted, whispered a little voice in Breenah’s head. But she was curious—she wanted to see the giant’s eyes—wanted to know what he looked like without the black cloth wrapped around his face.

“All right,” she said at last. “But I want you to know I have a poison leeza blade—move even an inch while I’m removing your blindfold and I’ll kill you!”

Not that she had ever killed anyone before—but it seemed like a good threat to make, especially considering his size and strength.

“Fair enough,” the giant growled. “I’ll hold still, sweetheart. Just let me see where the fuck I am.”

“Very well.”

Stepping up to the Stasis Wheel, Breenah stood on her tiptoes to reach the blindfold. This close to the giant, she could smell his scent—a wild, spicy, and somehow masculine fragrance that was surprisingly appealing. He was warm—the mostly bare skin of his chest radiating heat against her own bare skin.

She could feel that warmth more than she’d meant to—he was even taller than she’d thought and in order to reach the blindfold, she had to get quite close to his chest and stand on her very tippy-toes. This had the effect of rubbing the ripe points of her nipples against his warm skin which sent a little tingle of pleasure through her entire body. Breenah found this strange new sensation both surprising and exciting, though she wouldn’t admit it to herself.

Due to the way the uniforms in the Compound were made, her sensitive tips were always exposed. Since she knew how this made most of the other women look down on her, she went out of her way to make certain she never bumped or brushed against any of her fellow workers.
