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“You just have to. I have no way to convince you,” Rax said simply. “You can’t know I’m telling the truth until this Lunar Equinox I keep hearing everyone talk about happens. And by then, it will be too late.”

Breenah suddenly needed space. She climbed down off the step-up and busied herself with putting things away.

“When is the Lunar Equinox going to happen, anyway?” Rax asked, his one good eye tracking her as she moved back and forth.

“Tonight. It’s happening tonight,” Breenah admitted in a low voice.

“Tonight? Goddess, help me!” he muttered. “Breenah, please—come here, sweetheart—let’s talk.”

Reluctantly, Breenah came over to stand in front of the Stasis Wheel again. Without the step-up, she had to tilt her head to meet his gaze.

“Breenah, whether you believe me or not, we both need to get out of here,” Rax said earnestly. “I don’t know what their plans for me are, but we do know their plans for you. Do you really want to stay in a place that’s going to mutilate you and rob you of your Goddess-given right to feel sexual pleasure?”

“You keep saying it’s a ‘Goddess-given’ right,” Breenah said, frowning. “What Goddess are you talking about? We swear by the Goddess too, but we don’t really worship her,” she added. “Our deities are the three moons—the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone.”

“When I talk about the Goddess I mean the Mother of All Life—she who created us all,” Rax told her. “And we Kindred do worship her—she made all of us special and no one has the right to take away what she gave you.”

“I…I don’t know.” Breenah shook her head. “I just don’t know if I can take the risk.”

“You’re taking a much bigger risk if you leave me here to go through the Lunar Equinox tonight,” Rax said grimly. “Do me a favor, sweetheart—if you’re not going to set me free, then promise you’ll stay away from this room when the three moons rise and pour their light down on me.” He nodded up at the skylight, which showed the hazy shape of the red giant sun at the moment.

“Why?” Breenah asked him, her heart beating.

“Because I don’t want to wake up with your blood on my hands,” he said in a low voice. “Gods—I don’t want to wake up with anyone’s blood on my hands.”

He looked so agonized that for a moment, Breenah almost believed him.

“So this ‘Beast’ of yours…he would break free and kill everyone?” she asked tentatively.

“Unless he decides he’d rather fuck,” Rax said grimly. “But none of the other females in your Compound smells even remotely fuckable—probably because they’ve removed all their hormones and sexual characteristics,” he added.

“So…your Beast goes by scent, then?” she asked curiously. She knew he was lying—or she told herself he was—but she couldn’t help being fascinated by what he was saying.

“Hell yeah—scent is definitely important.” Rax frowned at Breenah. “As a matter of fact, you might be the only one here that would be safe from his blood-lust—though you sure as the Seven Hells wouldn’t be safe from his fuck-lust. You smell too damn good, little girl. Not to mention you’ve still got my scent on you, marking you as mine.”

“I do?” Breenah looked down at herself uncertainly. “I, er, missed morning shower time today,” she added guiltily, thinking of how she still had his cream deep in her pussy slit.

“That’s actually a good thing—you smell like I already Claimed you,” Rax informed her. “Which means you might be safe tonight if—when—my Beast comes out. I’d still prefer that you hide, though.”

“Why? If you say he wont’ hurt me?” Breenah asked. “Why should I hide from him?”

“Because, little girl, he’ll want to breed you,” Rax growled. “He’ll want to shove his shaft deep into your soft little pussy slit all the way to the knot and pump you full of hot cum.”

“He…he will?” Breenah’s eyes widened. She couldn’t help remembering that thick swelling at the base of Rax’s shaft. “But…but that—the knot—would never fit inside me!” she protested.

“It’ll fit—he’ll make it fit,” Rax said grimly. “My Beast will want to take you out under the moonlight and breed you long and hard. Then he’ll knot you to make sure his cum stays in your pussy long enough to seed your womb.”

“But I thought you said you couldn’t breed me and get me pregnant unless you bonded with me first,” Breenah protested. “And you also said you couldn’t bond with anyone because your Beast is Untameable.”

“That’s all true,” Rax acknowledged. “But he doesn’t know he’s one of the Untameable. I told you—he’s not a thinking creature—he’s nothing but hunger and lust. And the way you smell—so ripe and ready for fucking—he’s going to want to find you and breed you if he gets lose from these damn manacles.” He rattled the Magno-manacles to illustrate his point. “So do me a favor and hide tonight, during this damn Equinox. Lock yourself away somewhere—if you have anyplace with a lot of confusing smells, that would be best.”
