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“Oh, um…” As usual when she was faced with the stern Superior, who had iron gray hair and narrow, disapproving eyes, Breenah felt tongue-tied.

“I suppose being on guard duty has worked up quite an appetite, hmm?” Mistress Work-worthy said, not waiting for an answer. “But then, you always did have a bigger appetite than the other girls.” This was said with a faint air of disapproval and a slight frown, which was Mistress Work-worthy’s usual expression whenever she looked at Breenah.

Her words helped Breenah find her own tongue as she remembered what she’d been thinking earlier.

“Oh, Mistress Work-worthy,” she said. “Please, can I be taken off guard duty? Meendy said that you said I have to sleep in the Guard Room tonight and well, I’m just not comfortable doing that.”

“Are you afraid of the prisoner?” Mistress Work-worthy demanded, her eyes narrowing. “Because you needn’t be, Breenah. I’ve told you again and again that those manacles can hold any kind of Beast, no matter how savage. Even a giant male like the prisoner cannot escape them—the magnetic field the Stasis Wheel generates is far too strong for that.”

Breenah bit her lip. How could she explain that the reason she needed to be excused from guard duty had nothing to do with fear, and everything to do with desire?

Mistress Work-worthy would never understand. She had a flat chest and straight hips and most probably not a bit of sexual desire—just like all the other females in the Compound. And if Breenah tried to explain that her differences were causing her to be susceptible to the giant’s words, it would only make the Superior that much more suspicious and disapproving of her.

“But he…he says such strange things,” she said haltingly, trying to give a reason.

Mistress Work-worthy’s eyes narrowed even further.

“You’re talking to him? You must not speak to the prisoner, Breenah—he’s a male!”

“Yes, I know that. I—” Breenah stopped abruptly, not sure what else to say.

“You must not say another word to him—or listen to anything he has to say, either,” Mistress Work-worthy lectured. “What has he been telling you?”

“Nothing,” Breenah hedged. “Only how things go between males and females where he lives.” Which she hoped was vague enough not to get her into trouble.

“How things go between males and females? Has he been telling you how a male can put a baby into a female’s body? Into her womb?”

“What?” Breenah was taken aback. “They can?” she asked. “How?”

“Never you mind how,” Mistress Work-worthy snapped. “Just discount whatever he told you. Everyone knows that males lie all the time—they are not to be trusted. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress Work-worthy,” Breenah said humbly. “I’m sorry—I understand.”

But inside she was feeling rebellious. Everyone said that males were savage Beasts and that they lied all the time, but Rax hadn’t lied to her about the pleasure she would feel from letting him suck her nipples! He had said it would feel good to let a male lick and suck the tender little tips of her breasts and he had been telling the absolute truth. Also, he hadn’t savaged her when he had a chance—he had sucked her nipples hard, but he hadn’t bitten them or hurt her in any way. He had only given her pleasure—though it didn’t benefit him a bit, as far as Breenah could see.

Of course, she couldn’t say any of this to the stern Superior. So she simply nodded her head meekly and said,

“I promise I’ll do better, Mistress Work-worthy.”

“Listen, Breenah,” the other woman said, taking her by the arm and staring intently into her face. “I know you have…difficulties because you’re so different from the other females at the Compound. But I want you to know that Mistress Heal-all and I have been working on that. We have a plan that we think will help you a great deal.”

“A plan?” Breenah frowned. “What kind of plan?”

“We can’t talk about it now,” Mistress Work-worthy said primly. “But I think you’ll be very pleased when you hear it. We’re going to help you fit in—we’re going to make you look like all the other girls. Won’t that be nice?”

“Look like all the other girls?” Breenah echoed. “What do you mean?”

“I think you know,” Mistress Work-worthy said shortly, with a swift glance at Breenah’s prominent breasts.

“You…you want to change me somehow? Alter me?” Breenah felt a sick kind of wobble in the pit of her stomach. The feeling must have showed on her face because Mistress Work-worthy frowned.

“Never you mind—you’ll be happy when you hear it, I promise you that. Now eat your food and go back to guard duty.”

Then she left Breenah to stare after her, wondering what in the world the Superiors had planned for her and if she would really like it.

Somehow she doubted that she would—doubted it very much.



“Hey, little girl—you’re awfully quiet since you came back from Last Meal,” Rax murmured, watching the curvy little female.
