Page 31 of Against the Rules

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I bite my lip, not sure how I should move forward with this. I already know the sex of the babies. I’m only thirteen weeks along but technology has come a long way and if my husband wants to know something, he will.

“You went and didn’t call me?” She gasps when I don’t respond. I hear Marco in the background trying to calm her down. Really he’s the only one that can do it.

“B.J., what day do you think it is?” She knew when I was going to the doctor’s to find out.

“Tuesday,” she says instantly. I snort a laugh. I like how Marco is with her. I wasn’t sure there was a man out there that could handle her. He does and takes great pleasure in doing so. The man came along and knocked my cousin right off her feet.

Finn did introduce the two of them. They quickly fell in love. Almost the same way that Finn and I did. Maybe not as fast. But that’s only because B.J. made him chase her a few extra days. She said she had to keep him on his toes. And make sure he was going to be able to handle her.

“It’s Thursday,” I inform her. “And your guess was right.”

“Marco, this is your fault,” she shouts at him.

“I will make it up to you,” he says in the background.

“Stop, I’m on the phone.” Then she moans as the call ends. Finn steps out of his office, opening the door for me.

“I would have gotten the folders. Why didn’t you tell me?” He snags me by the waist, pulling me in for a kiss.

“You looked busy. I figured you were responding to the email I sent.”

“Are you hungry too?” He ignores my question, looking at the brownie I snagged.

“I’m always hungry.” I step into the office. “Where are Coco and Puffs?” I look around for our little fur babies.

“Nail appointment.” Puff’s claws could easily get out of control if you don’t stay on top of them. Heaven forbid she actually bite them herself.

“I worry about them.” Finn takes the folders from my hand, putting them onto his desk.

“They are the most spoiled cats in the city. From what I read in some blog last year.” I can’t even disagree with him. They were our first babies. There is no denying that they are a little spoiled.

“You read a blog?” I give him a skeptical look.

“Cesar told me about it. Then showed it to me. It had a picture of me carrying them. The entire article was about our kittens. I had to read it.” I giggle. “There wasn’t one mention about the success of our company, our wedding or any other important part of our life.” I giggle again. I bet he has a copy of the blog post hidden somewhere.

“I worry how they’ll be when the babies get here.” I rub my very small baby bump. “They get all our attention and now there are going to be two little ones joining our family very soon.” I start to head over to my desk, but Finn snags me by the wrist, bringing me over to the large sofa and pulling me down to sit in his lap.

“They will be fine.” He pushes my hair to the side to kiss my neck.

“No office sex. You didn’t answer the emails I sent you.” He gives my neck a small nip, making me moan. My neck is my weak spot and he knows it. “We’re supposed to be working,” I remind him.

We have been searching to hire more people. We are going to need more hands around here. Finn seems to be working less and less lately. I can’t blame him. All he did was work before I came along. I think he worked more in the years before me than some work in their whole lives. You could see it just by looking around at what he built from the ground up.

“Isn’t that what I pay everyone else to do?” His hand starts to drift under my dress.

“I’m going to have to fire you,” I warn. I do own half this place. At least that’s what Finn is always saying. I enjoy making my fake firing threats so I don’t fight him on me owning half. I enjoy working at his side. I debated going back to school, but I quickly saw I could learn more working side by side with Finn than I’d ever learn going back to get my MBA.

“Finn,” I whimper when he pulls my panties to the side.

“Have you been walking around the office with a wet pussy?”

I shake my head. “No, you know what gets me wet.” It always happens the second I see him. As soon as I arrived at the office I got a glimpse of him today. The look in his eyes when he had glanced up at me was all I needed. I knew where this would eventually lead.

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