Page 29 of Against the Rules

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My eyes are beginning to close when I hear a little scratching noise followed by some innocent little mewls. It’s then I remember that we locked the kittens out. I try to sit up, but Finn’s muscular arm is wrapped around me. He has no plans of letting me go.

“The babies!” He loosens his grip on me, allowing me to get up. I scoot off the bed, heading over to the door. I walk a few steps before I realize that I’m naked. I turn around. Finn is sitting on the edge of the bed enjoying the view. “I’m naked,” I point out.

“I see that.” He smiles at me standing up. I bite my tongue from pointing out that he’s naked too. “Into the tub. You need a soak.”

“I smell?”

“You’re too cute for your own good.” He walks over to me, dropping a kiss on my lips. “You’ll be sore soon. A bath will help with that. I’ll see to the kittens. You start a bath.”

“Are you going to join me?”

“Couldn’t stop me.” He drops one more kiss on me before heading to the closet.

“You’re naked!” I point out.

“And my clothes are in there.” He pushes the closet doors open.

“Close your eyes, kittens!”

I hear Finn laugh as he disappears into his closet to take care of our babies.

Chapter 23


“Good morning, Cesar. Good morning, Monica.” I drop the donuts and coffee and fruit tray onto Monica’s desk. “‘Morning, Luc—“ Out of the corner of my eye, Lucky gives a tiny shake of her head to communicate that she hasn’t yet told her coworkers of her engagement and pending marriage in Vegas this weekend. “‘Morning, Lucia,” I revise as if I didn’t just drop her off an hour ago before I ran this breakfast errand.

With an arched eyebrow, I tell her silently that she needs to hurry up on the big news so that I don’t have to watch what I say and she replies with a speaking glance that she’s only been in the office for a short time. I flash her a big grin. We’ve only spent one night together and we’re already having whole conversations without opening our mouths. We were meant to be.

“I’m glad that you’re in a good mood because Kevin Howard from accounting wants to see you,” Monica informs me.

“Is there an issue with our books?”

“Not that I know of, but he’d be able to tell you more since he’s arrived.” She points over my shoulder.

I follow her arm to see that Kevin has just stepped off the elevator wearing a smug expression—the kind that you see on people who think they know it all and are ready to tell you about it. I think that’s where the term punchable face comes from. He has one.

“Who hired him?” I ask Monica.

“The assistant that Lucky replaced.”

That explains a lot. Kevin stops before me and dips his head. “After you,” he says and motions toward my door as if he’s the owner of this three-billion-dollar asset management company and not me.

Monica coughs behind her hand while Cesar mutters something that sounds like asshole. My baby looks worried or I would’ve made Kevin wait outside my office for a few hours. Instead, I walk in, leaving the door open behind me. “What is it that you want, Mr. Howard? I’m a busy man.” I’ve got travel plans to make, a wedding ring to buy, and a honeymoon to book.

“You have a nice office here,” he says.

I drop into my large black leather chair and watch the man take in my space as if he’s measuring the windows for curtains.

“Glad you think so, but I hope you didn’t come up here to give me compliments on the interior design. That could’ve been communicated in an email.”

“You have an open door policy,” Kevin reminds me. “And any employee can ask to meet with you once a month for a half hour.”

“Right you are.” I log in to my computer, send out an email, and start up a particular program that I have just for people like Kevin. “Whenever you’re ready then, please begin. I’m sure you know how much time you need.”

The red light on the program starts blinking. While Kevin gathers his thoughts, I start looking at Vegas wedding chapels. Elvis impersonator? Yes, what’s the point of getting married in Vegas if you don’t have an Elvis impersonator? Chapel with fresh flowers? Definitely. I want all the flowers and we’ll go with roses because they seem to go with the Elvis concept. I make a few more notes until I find the perfect one. It has an opening at three in the morning on Saturday. Perfect. Now I need a jet. I send a message to Monica to book it for me. Halfway through making a reservation for the penthouse suite at the Bellagio, Kevin appears in front of my desk.

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