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Steve senses me close by, and looking up with a smile, he lowers his voice, guiding Madison to the window and making imperative gestures with his hands as he explains something.

I’m no lip reader, but neither Madison nor Steve have a voice that doesn’t carry.

I’m sure I hear the word diamonds a few times, but I still haven’t had coffee yet.

The real reason I’ve come down is to see exactly what Steve’s up to today.

The pang of not feeling like I have anything to contribute shivers through me until I remember.

My hand strays to my belly, making me smile, a smile I know I’ve never had as I almost gasp, descending the stairs, moving closer to the tree and all the decorations.

A few staff are just finishing up, greeting me with a formal “Good morning, Ms. Winters” before they scuttle out.

It would usually make me cringe or feel uneasy, but I actually like it.

The staff sound genuine, helping me with some coffee before they disappear completely and wishing me a merry Christmas.

I know better than to interrupt Steve when he’s in business mode, but he shoots me just enough intense looks to tell me that he’s more than happy to see me and even keener for us to be alone, which is why he’s worked so hard since early this morning.

Finally, he’s done with Madison, and I again overhear words likeDiamondandHank Rutherford, plus a bunch of other stuff that doesn’t make sense to me, so I just sip my coffee and take in the view.

The perfect view of my man near the most gorgeous Christmas tree I’ve ever seen, with the whole city blanketed in white snow beyond.

I’d usually pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming, but something tells me this dream life of ours is only getting started.

Madison finally takes his leave after making copious notes in his legal pad, crimping a smile at me as he passes, holding his notes close to his chest.

Like he’s got the secrets of the universe mapped out, and nobody else can see but him.

Steve joins me for coffee and brings over the pot and a plate of Danishes to the table, and he asks how I slept.

“You should’ve woken me,” I pretend to scold him, telling him I never sleep in. Needing him to know I’m no slouch as a housemate or a bunk buddy.

Except for today.

He only smiles, stroking my hair back and kissing my forehead, and tells me I can sleep as late as I like, any day of the week.

“And what have you been planning?” I ask, playfully putting on an accusing tone, regretting it as soon as I see that look in his eyes.

The look of a man with means, who’s set a ton of things in motion.

A man who’s planned a lot. And most of it around me, I can just feel it.

“I’m just kidding,” I croak, making him laugh.

“It’s been a busy morning, but all play. No business,” he promises me.

“Madison’s on vacation as of tomorrow, so I’m working him extra hard to do a few little things, and Hank, the cab driver from last night? He’ll be our company’s newest driver. Madison was a little put-out, but he’ll get over it,” he says with that smile again.

“I thought we’d head over to the hospital,” he adds, tapping a thick envelope I know is full of his trademark Christmas gifts for the kids and parents at the hospital this time of year.

“I’d like that,” I tell him.

“There’s also the shelter the Sisters run,” he continues. “They have a year-round kitchen and drop-in center. I usually spend some time there too at Christmas,” he says, studying my expression.

“Only if you want to, though,” he’s quick to add.

“I know how boring that kind of thing can be…,” he trails off.
