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And then I see her.

Catching just a glimpse as she runs across the street through my watering slits of eyes.

An angel.

My Christmas angel, swearing like a pirate at the top of her lungs, lucky not to get hurt herself as she trots over to me, skidding on the ice and forgetting all about herself as she kneels next to me.

If Ihadjust been shot, if that pop was the gun and not my head hitting the sidewalk, I could go happily now.

But something tells me this angel has come to take me somewhere else and that I’m gonna be more than fine.

By the looks and feel of her shape pressing into me, I would gladly spend eternity alone with her, too.

And that’d just be for starters.



I can’t help but replay it over and over in my mind.

Most girls on the shop floor saw this coming and knew we could all be out of work by the New Year.

But me?

I actually thought it wouldn’t come to that.

Come tothis.

My only real job since leaving school and the only way of trying to pay for my way to live in the city is gone.

A nail gun factory isn’t exactly a dream job, but with overtime, it’s helped keep me off the streets until now.

“Now, ladies… Y’allknewit might happen. Some of y’all have shifts until Christmas Eve, and those with time owed still have a holiday with full pay… starting today.”

It was our union rep’s ‘sorry, not sorry’ speech. Try as we might, fighting for better working conditions, more pay,andkeeping our jobs was never an option.

Helluva way to find out, and just days before Christmas too.

I’m one of the lucky ones if I could call it that.

Leaving early today with two weeks of paid holidays, but then what?

The thought makes me wanna chuck my cookies on the street, but it’s too damned cold to even throw up.

The shudder of reality runs through me like ice water as I leave work for what I know is the last time somehow. Still not knowing if they’ll keep their word about ‘holiday pay’ either.

I remind myself that I still owe a month’s rent which that will barely cover. I hear my entire body groan and ache.

I decide to just walk until I can’t feel my legs, hop on a bus and spend the night crying over a giant box of pizza pockets and a gallon of chocolate chip ice cream once I get home.

It’s late afternoon, but the sudden shift in the weather makes it dark and cold real quick.

The light, fluffy snow is turning to something sinister by the time I spot the only ray of light it what feels like the whole city.

The only light on a very, very dark day so far.

I haven’t been walking long and almost give up on the idea on account of the weather when I see a man like no other I’ve seen. Walking amongst us in public, I take notice.
