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Doctor Malcolm Sterling. He used to be with the clergy, but his real calling was medicine. I remember him clearly, one of the hospital's best doctors.

He sounds relieved too, but there’s an edge to his voice, one I don’t particularly care for right now.

“It’s always nice to see you, Mr. Carter. But we certainly weren’t expecting your…daughter?” he says incredulously, making me grip Holly by the arms and gently shift her to one side as I bolt upright.

I shoot Holly a swift glance, but the tiny shake of her head tells me she’s only introduced herself by name. Nothing else.

I bite down on my sudden anger, recalling the doctor and everyone else so far who have helped me.

No point chewing his head off over a misunderstanding.

“Holly was the one who rescued me, Doc,” I explain, recognizing my middle-aged pride hurt more than anything by what he just said.

“She’s helping me to remember things. She saved my life today,” I tell him, making sure I look at her when I say that.

“You’ve hadmemory loss?” the doctor asks, his concern shifting from a moral dilemma to a medical one.

“Until arriving here, until Holly helped me discover my name… Yes. I’ve had no memory of who I am since I was mugged,” I inform him.

Holly reaches for my hand again, and I squeeze it.

“This changes alot, Mr. Carter,” Doctor Sterling says gravely.

“We’ll need more than just some standard tests. I want you to stay with us a few days, over at the hospital, so I can…,” he starts, but I cut him off with a wave of my hand.

I smile over at Holly.

“I’ll have you take a look at the egg on my head, Doc. But I won’t be stopping long. Holly’s the best memory refresher for me so far,” I tell him honestly.

He opens his mouth to speak, but the sound of Sister O’Halloran fills the exam room, adding a sense of calm in an instant.

She looks a little older, but now she’s her old self again after seeing me like this. I can also see a familiar grin at the corner of her mouth.

“Steven. It sounds like the doctor wants to give you a thorough going over,” she says. Sister O is the only person who could ever take this tone with me and get away with it.

I know better than to say anything, but Holly starts to say something.

Before she can say a word, Sister O’Halloran has her arm linked to her and gives me a knowing smile, telling me how it’s gonna be.

“I’ll show Holly around, make sure she’s alright. You run along and play sick for the doctor for a few hours. She’ll still be here when you get back,” she says, struggling not to smile too big with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

I can see Holy’s torn, but I tell her it’s fine and that the Sister’s right.

“I’m sure she wants to tell you how naughty I was when I was a boy,” I assure them both.

“And I’m sure Holly has a lot to tell me, too,” Sister adds with a wink before guiding Holly out.



At first, I don’t want to leave Steve’s side. Not for a minute.

But there’s something in the way he looks at me, jutting his chin slightly with a little smile to tell me I’m in safe hands.

When we’re near the door, and the Sister whispers in my ear, I feel I might have just made a new friend, too.

“Now, come along, dear. Tell good Sister O’ Halloran just what you two have been up to today.”
